Player Survey 2016 - Take a few minutes to answer it

Player Survey 2016

Help us make a better game by answering this quick survey. The results will be published on Cataclysm-DDA’s github, on reddit /r/cataclysmdda/ and on the official forums.

You can also view last year’s results.

What counts as “unofficial patches”? Is that me modifying a json or two or is someone out there putting out updates that don’t wind up on the main github?

I’m guessing that would be some chunk of code added, modified or removed from to the game. I don’t think there are any popular fork that have them but I believe some people maintain their own patches on the side just for themselves.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - Players Survey - 2016 Your response has been recorded. Thanks for helping improve Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead!

Post for Vainglorious Sactimous Winnrar

If you have not answered the survey yet, please take a few minutes to do so. Your answers are much appreciated.

Bump to get a little more visibility.


Hilariously, you can claim to play Tankmod without Blazemod. 3:

EDIT: I meant without. Typodragon.

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:8, topic:12924”]Bork.

Hilariously, you can claim to play Tankmod with Blazemod. 3:[/quote]

? I do. It hasn’t popped any errors at me except occasionally telling me a specific vehicle that I just moved my reality bubble into generated without a gun.

Poor trolling is poor.

Unless you genuinely forgot that Tanks and Other Vehicles has Vehicle Additions Pack set as a dependency, and requires several parts from it… >.o

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:10, topic:12924”]Poor trolling is poor.

Unless you genuinely forgot that Tanks and Other Vehicles has Vehicle Additions Pack set as a dependency, and requires several parts from it… >.o[/quote]

Did you mean to type without in your post about running Tanks with Blazemod or does dependency not mean you need to run both because Tanks depends on Blazemod?

Logic is borked. Assuming direct control.

When will the results be released?

…glorious soviet typos. >_>


It is done!

Another last bump before compiling the results.