Needful things (simple additions to improve the game)

Forget a plasma gun, sounds like what we need is a Survivor Plasma Machete!

Look up jacob’s ladder swords on youtube for some luls.

Hammers should have Prying, at least Prying 1. Especially since they can be used to “pull out nails,” so you’d think they’d be able to pry open crates.

Also, money bundles should be insertable into ATM machines to deposit cash. Most ATMs have a deposit function nowadays, by Catatime it should be advanced enough to include automatic forgery detection.

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I own 98 hammers. Only 3 have a claw that could be used to pry a nail. Don’t assume the hammer you found is a carpenters hammer, claw hammer or tack hammer.

By the same logic pick axes should have prying since some models have a claw foot on the spade end.

The single most common type of hammer in North America is the claw hammer. It would be expected that a deviation from this would be named as such, not the other way around.

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Naturally I have to ask why. I assume its because you’re either a hobbyist or its for some profession you do.

Another simple thing that could help improve the game: The amount of padding worn on the shoulders (torso without being waist or strapped,) could help slightly with recoil for shouldered firearms. This could actually be a slight perk to torso encumbrance.

A torso garment which has a specific padded shoulder and arms would be more useful and less encumbering, something like this. This could even be an alternative add-on for existing garments that tailors could apply; cloth padding specifically designed to help control recoil without encumbering the wearer significantly.

not sure if this is simple or not, but would help with training like, dodge. restrictive training gear. like rock lee weighted leg things or the brace they had a sandshrew wear in that one episode of pokemon. basically a gear that artificially lowers some skill levels so that you fall into the range needed to get XP from sources. it is ALSO encumbering as hell. so it adds another layer of risk/reward, becuase you must place yourself in danger to get a use from it, and the danger is more present because it greatly weakens you, the reward of course, is to push yourself beyond normal limits when you take it off.

Blacksmith/Machinist hobbyist. I own around 50 axes and hatchets too. I also have a fully equiped electronics lab and chemistry lab combo in my basement. I have advanced degrees in electronic engineering and physics, community college degrees in welding, machining, cnc operation, industrial maintanence and an uncompleted photography degree (because one of the instructors was unbearable and the degree was literally only there to keep me at 26 credit hours a semester to meet finaid reqs.) Chemistry is a self taught hobby using text books and books/kits aimed for kids, but I’ve made some questionable things. I live deep in the mountains so if i blow up my house I’ll blame it on my still.

Wanna become my mentor?

That’s all rather incredible.

However, I think it’s fairly reasonable to say, then, that your experience with hammers is atypical, because you have a metric fucktonne (as distinguished from the American Customary fuckton,) of specialist hammers and tools.

Claw hammers and framing hammers (the ones with the ‘waffle’ pattern on the end,) are by far the most common hammers to be found. Your specialist collection is no doubt absolutely spectacular for what they’re for, but they’re not going to constitute the generic “hammer” you take off Joe Fat Zombie or in Random Guy’s house garage.

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Can you speak hillbilly and play a banjo?

True enough. Also hello 20 character post minimum, how are you.`

If not too much noodle-coded, making the desert map warmer would be nice, but I have heard it was someones else’s code. It can probably be fixed with eternal summer, though. One other thing would be a Cold Resistant trait, since I cringe when the character gets frost-nipped in spring while wearing winter clothes, especially since I’ve grown up in cold areas and spring isn’t too bad for regular clothes.

Those can both be edited in the regional_settings.json file in the data directory.

I tend to agree, there should be some traits to make the PC more (or less) weather-tolerant. We have one that lets you slog through rain, there oughta be some that make you able to take the heat and the cold. Better, at least - obviously you’re not going out in a snowstorm in shorts and wife-beater, not even if you’re Inuit, but what constitutes “bundle up double” weather for some people (like me,) is “meh, this is fine” weather for others.

I’ve had characters that had to strip down to their skivvies to stay comfortable at 65 F, and I know from personal experience that’s about 15 F below my personal comfort level. A trait that made a character need more warm clothes in late autumn, winter, and early spring and then let them wear more clothes comfortably the rest of the year would be appreciated.

Agree to the above.
I’d also like to see more nether creature variety, alongside allowing more intelligent creatures to open doors and the like.

Why opening door when you can tear it apart or even tear down the wall?

Because it’s intelligent enough to work the door, and to realise that just opening it’ll be faster.