Your body is ALWAYS healing, unless it is at some point that it has enough strain on it already, that it can’t put any additional effort into healing, or so little as to be essentially meaningless (body in shock, high hunger making body shut down & sleep into a hibernation mode rather than a healing mode etc…) Your mind is probably the most effected by sleeping/not sleeping healing, but the rest of your body does do more healing while your unconscious so that you don’t feel it (growth especially) and because it KNOWS your going to be idle during that time and not messing up with the repairs.
[quote=“Litppunk, post:3301, topic:5570”]Your body is ALWAYS healing, unless it is at some point that it has enough strain on it already, that it can’t put any additional effort into healing, or so little as to be essentially meaningless (body in shock, high hunger making body shut down & sleep into a hibernation mode rather than a healing mode etc…) Your mind is probably the most effected by sleeping/not sleeping healing, but the rest of your body does do more healing while your unconscious so that you don’t feel it (growth especially) and because it KNOWS your going to be idle during that time and not messing up with the repairs.[/quote]The question begs on whether massive untreated wounds should get any better than “it doesn’t hurt as bad anymore” if someone were to keep their person up and moving and active for many days at a time via Super Duper Stimulants.
No if you force your body to keep moving then i suspect that your healing will stop. Or your wounds might even get worse.
Thats hard to simulate though. I would go for having things like broken limbs and potentially other major injury (which we do not have) only heal if you rest.
Not really. An idea:
- Every time you move, a dice roll is made against your health stat; if it is less than or equal to your health, you lose hit points from the limb.
Couple things.
1 that sounds backwards, should probably be more or equal because otherwise you need a big dice and even then having full health would still result in you losing health if it rolled low.
2. And if you do it like that it sounds… broken
How about someting akin to:
1/8 passive heal rate when awake as opposed to asleep, Progressive drain on how fast you heal based on time since last slept to 0 being at ~ 18-24 hours, after that it starts to slowly drain your your health at a VERY manageable rate like 5 HP per limb the first day, 8 the next day, 12 the next, 17 the next etc… kind of rate. (+1 change per day) This could also be stacked with an “all pepped up” penalty for staying hopped up on stimulants for prolonged periods (2+ days at a time)
Then separately if you still need something to make those wounds need to get treated:
roll for damage while limb is heavily damaged, but not bandaged or splinted in any fashion (time period for bandages)
If micro nutrients are going to be tracked from now on, I would suggest the implementation of organ meats (specifically liver) so that carnivores have a source of vitamin A. Alternatively, the stomach can be given a vitamin A value as placeholder.
Give forklift arms a Jacking capacity.
Add a check to CBM failure that says which existing CBMs are lost.
Mention explicit capacity limits on items such as the Survivor Harness.
Give significant aiming bonuses to all laser based weapons, since there’s no leading the target, no recoil, no anything. It might not be able to fire in the rain, or through smoke, and its damage against living targets would be far, far worse than ballistic weaponry since the steam from their evaporating flesh will reduce any damage the laser might do, but missing with a laser is a ridiculous notion. If your aim is steadied enough to point it at something, you will hit whatever you are aiming for.
Reduce the dispersion on the Fusion Blaster Arm. It’s extremely easy to ensure a limb is pointing in the right direction, and the sometimes 45 degree angle that shorts veer off at is ludicrous.
[quote=“Pantalion, post:3307, topic:5570”]Give forklift arms a Jacking capacity.
Add a check to CBM failure that says which existing CBMs are lost.
Mention explicit capacity limits on items such as the Survivor Harness.
Give significant aiming bonuses to all laser based weapons, since there’s no leading the target, no recoil, no anything. It might not be able to fire in the rain, or through smoke, and its damage against living targets would be far, far worse than ballistic weaponry since the steam from their evaporating flesh will reduce any damage the laser might do, but missing with a laser is a ridiculous notion. If your aim is steadied enough to point it at something, you will hit whatever you are aiming for.
Reduce the dispersion on the Fusion Blaster Arm. It’s extremely easy to ensure a limb is pointing in the right direction, and the sometimes 45 degree angle that shorts veer off at is ludicrous.[/quote]The fusion blaster arm dispersion seems justified given that the arm does not line up comfortably for an ironsights aim to be usable at a comfortable body angle.
However, I’m of the opinion that the fusion blaster arm should be removed completely, and replaced with firearm-type versions in their entirety (Fusion Blaster Rifle, etc).
That’s my suggestion.
[quote=“iceball3, post:3308, topic:5570”][/quote]The fusion blaster arm dispersion seems justified given that the arm does not line up comfortably for an ironsights aim to be usable at a comfortable body angle.
It’s actually quite feasible to line your arm up so you can sight down it, just hold your shoulder up to your chin and sight with the whole arm, brace with the other, classic buster shot style.
Secondly, why would you need ironsights to point your arm at something? Hold out your hand, point at something you’re looking at in the distance - you’ve successfully aimed your limb weapon at it.
Iron sights are necessary to translate your body movements into accuracy with a foreign device. Your body’s awareness of its own limb orientation makes you able to point with reasonable accuracy even while you’re not even looking at the limb in question. Accurate movement and orientation of your limbs is something we’ve been learning from birth.
Since firearm versions already exist, why remove one of the more interesting CBM variants? I’d sooner see more of its ilk than remove something from the game.
The book “The Compleat Trapper” has an obvious typo in the title but I don’t know how to submit a fix to the game itself.
It’s an archaic variant spelling, probably added for flavor (see The Compleat Angler).
It’s an archaic variant spelling, probably added for flavor (see The Compleat Angler).[/quote]
Yep, reported that one myself in the past, but is intentional.
Plz to be have customizable settings for ‘careful’ and ‘precise’ aiming times. Thx.
[quote=“BeerBeer, post:3313, topic:5570”]Plz to be have customizable settings for ‘careful’ and ‘precise’ aiming times. Thx.[/quote]Customizable? You mean for the weapons themselves? I think in that case you just set their Aim Speed in the relevant json, assuming it’s kept there.
No I mean the aiming process. When you invest time in aiming. And there are the shortcut options for ‘careful’ and ‘precise’ aims.
Giving that a lot of menus support using items on the ground, how simple would it be to also port this to the 'w’ield menu
(also wielding a weapon container should give you the option to draw your weapon intend…)
I’m not sure if this was addressed, but guns can fire a single bullet as long as it’s in the chamber, regardless if a magazine’s there or not.
I suggest a invisible universal magazine that allows you to fire a single bullet if you don’t have a magazine
Other points: If a full magazine is inserted, the bullet in the chamber is either added to the inventory, or dropped if there isn’t enough space for the round
If an empty/partially loaded magazine is inserted, the round will be added to the magazine.
According to Wikipedia, muzzle brakes and ported barrels are literally the same thing.
Which one should we keep in the game?
the muzzle brake in game is something like which has the holes in a specific angle, backwards, to make the gasses push the gun forward like a thruster that goes off when you fire.
while a ported barrel shoots the gasses straight sideways.
aka it’s a quality/complexity thing, a muzzle brake it more complex then a ported barrel and thus better overall.
anyway, my idea is to allow people to craft regular bullets IF they can find weapons factory and attach the bullet making machine into their car. it will be a big beastly machine that would require the boom crane to lift into your car and would take several ‘layers’ up at once, so like, you can’t have a battery or tank in the same place and it has no general cargo storage. but this is only half of what you need. the machine is then loaded with a ‘die’ of the right size to make the bullet you want. and then you use it while having the right components nearby (like in a cargo space next to it) and it produces the bullets you want. so like, 9mm die can make all the different kinds of 9mm rounds (normal, AP, +)
[quote=“tarburst98, post:3319, topic:5570”]the muzzle brake in game is something like which has the holes in a specific angle, backwards, to make the gasses push the gun forward like a thruster that goes off when you fire.
while a ported barrel shoots the gasses straight sideways.
aka it’s a quality/complexity thing, a muzzle brake it more complex then a ported barrel and thus better overall.
anyway, my idea is to allow people to craft regular bullets IF they can find weapons factory and attach the bullet making machine into their car. it will be a big beastly machine that would require the boom crane to lift into your car and would take several ‘layers’ up at once, so like, you can’t have a battery or tank in the same place and it has no general cargo storage. but this is only half of what you need. the machine is then loaded with a ‘die’ of the right size to make the bullet you want. and then you use it while having the right components nearby (like in a cargo space next to it) and it produces the bullets you want. so like, 9mm die can make all the different kinds of 9mm rounds (normal, AP, +)[/quote]
I’d be against the manufacturing of Pre-Cataclysm rounds. The equipment used to make cartridges in a weapons factory are, in principle, the same as the hand loading equipment we use, just vastly scaled up. What our hand loaded rounds are missing is fresh brass, and precision manufactured bullets. Most of our primers are also stripped off an existing cartridge, or made from household chemicals. You can make match grade factory quality ammunition on a table press easily, but only with precision measuring equipment, high quality bullets, factory fresh primers, and fresh brass. Anything deviating from this introduces a failure chance, and that’s reflected in the hand loaded increased misfire rate.
If we were to introduce anything to allow more munitions manufacturing, I’d be in favor of either a rare machine or a high level recipe for producing cases. Or even just a somewhat rare location/event containing lots of spent brass. Military last stand/evac coordination building, like a makeshift ops station in a house. Unless there is one and I’ve just never found it. Not having brass wouldn’t be an issue, steel case ammunition exists with drawbacks, but you need a good, powerful press (Or a lot of ingenuity I suppose) to be able to make a casing to specification. This’d allow people who play a hunkered down style to convert ammunition more easily, especially for those who play with mods that allow you to make gunpowder. The ammunition would still be tagged hand loaded, so inferior to the custom stuff.