Needful things (simple additions to improve the game)

I would play Australia: The Game.

It sounds like mod material, but for the same reasons dinosaurs are mod material.

Though about it, but I’m not sure how to handle it properly.

Having less guns, less dedicated weapons (no combat knife spam), bigger spiders and scorching sun would be refreshing and make wilderness less wimpy compared to cities.

Spiders could be implemented easily, weapon bans would probably require overriding item lists, scorching sun would require weather generator alterations (not that easy, it’s pretty hardcoded).

You could probably do sunstroke similarly to radiation. Although turning it off at night would probably require major surgery beyond the scope of standard modding. Would “grant mods the ability to have circumstance dependant custom radiation-style effects” be a simple addition?

Canada mod: colder temperatures, the only guns you can find are hunting rifles and shotguns, and there’s killer moose (meese?) everywhere.

There are assault weapons in Canada… Not nearly as many, but a few.

Once region types are working I can see that sorta thing being implemented there.

Leashes… we need leashes. Im tired of my dog running around making noise and having to chase it down to load supplies onto it. They could be used for zombie slaves too.

All I want is a saddle like contraption to attach to a Hulk zlave and reign over the world from there…

Steam engines that run off water tanks and coal.

That’s a pretty common suggestion, an I’m sure it would go in if someone coded it.

I could see removing the fitting and reinforcing ability from bone/wood needle and having that be for the sewing and tailors kit, for the bone and sewing needle has nothing to actually do what is suggested.

If these go in, they should be incredibly loud. For science.

A ‘waterworld’ generation option, wherein it generates islands

Why can’t I make a frying pan?

Because frying pans are a finite resource. Once you run out of the frying pan, you’re into the fire.

ba dum tish

Because frying pans are a finite resource. Once you run out of the frying pan, you’re into the fire.[/quote]

The pixel map is pretty nice but it could be a lot easier to quickly read. Right now, green icons blend in with the grass, brown icons blend in with dirt and red icons blend in with poppy flowers. Just needs slightly larger icons and with a thicker darkened outline and it will be perfect.

Is there some newfangled opium farm mapgen where this would ever actually be a legitimate concern? o3o

Being able to weld a deputy badge onto a power armor would be nice.

I look forward to a more stable and functional companion system. We’re seeing steps towards it with having many actions being possible with NPC followers, and someday I want to milk a cow and make cheese, just to say that I did it.

Also, expansion on the temperature sysetms. All that would be amazing. This game is racist against heat strokes, giving freezing to death all the glory…revolution, says I! Revolutioooon!

The default map font really ought to be square…