My parting gift to you

“and I still manage to turn out some crappy code”

Are you crazy? your work is far from crap.

You have contributed some amazeing work like many many others here.

I don’t think any houses around here have basements. Man, Australia!Cata would SUCK, so little good loot.
Nah but for real, you carry the team.

Also, I’m reckoning we should let this particular shitpost die.

and also the community that plays the current games of this series are either little kids who can’t handle their anger, teens who can’t handle their anger, or adults who can’t handle their anger. They also have this thought that CoD is the best game ever and anything else is crap, I guess like any other stereotypical rabid fan.


Also about the resizing problem, the only problem I have is that it bugs out if the game is too wide or too tall, try messing with the settings. So if it is stretched out one way try reducing the dimension it is stretched out in or increasing the other dimension.

Also i never touch the fullscreen option because it never works.

I think it is because it might be out of the display resolution making it look weird? I dunno I guess for resizing I would look for your Aspect Ratio and size the game accordingly.
Display resolution - Wikipedia should help.

Actually I live on the second floor of my mom’s Experimental Z-level house.

Actually I live on the second floor of my mom’s Experimental Z-level house, because I am a high school student who is legally not allowed to move out yet.

Perhaps it would be better to have a drop down/pre-determined selection for the window-size, which takes into account aspect ratio?

Well, technically it wouldn’t be hard at all. Just a window filled with standard resolution options, and instead of (unintuitively) selecting a terminal size, you can pick a resolution. Picking a resolution would set the terminal size automatically (although the resolution would still be the determining factor), and picking a terminal size would automatically set the resolution.

I’m writing a fairly short guide, I’ll post the link after I’m done.

It’s not all that hard, it’s just summing up some months/years of info from this community board and embueing it with own experience in playing CataDDA. After explaining game options, WorldGen concept and character building there’s got to be some info on actual gameplay. I’m close to wrapping up the whole piece, altough I’m treading lightly so just about anyone could understand it.
The one and only doubt I had was about .json files and discussing various issues regarding items that could be modded. I’ve decided to cover the subject under-par, because there is a difference between novice players looking to enjoy their game and those more enthusiastic ones, as I perceive them as current and future members of this community.