My parting gift to you

What is this cod even and how does it relate to the issue?[/quote]

Oh thanks I finally worked out how to do it. Sadly I have to use fucking tiles to get windowed mode. good job on that one.

Once again, it’s a windows lack of terminal support thing. Windows is really bad about supporting terminal programs, so there are a ton of things that we can’t do without going through another layer of emulation (SDL in the case of the tiles modes) on windows. Linux and mac, on the other hand, handle it just fine, and tiles mode is much easier to develop on, which is why the tiles/terminal mode exists.

Also you should be able to turn tiles off even in the tiles version through the options menu, once again it will require a restart though.

What is this cod even and how does it relate to the issue?[/quote]Call of Duty - Wikipedia

The window resize thing is a bit annoying I grant you that, but again, it can be fixed with 2 minutes of work. It would be nice if the default screen size was something a little more sensible though (80x40-50?).

The controls are pretty intuitive with keys usually corresponding to the first letter of the action (as someone else pointed out). The game is supposed to be difficult, I’ve been playing for almost a year and its still pretty hard (granted I play with random/crippled characters now and fast zombies, but still).

If you can’t handle the difficulty or the complexity why play rogue-likes? That’s literally the only thing going for them, no fancy graphics, no music or sound, just deep and difficult game-play.

In any case, there was no reason to come here on the forums and rant. The game is open-source (more or less), free, and being developed by ordinary people (not game dev’s, or corporations) so what exactly are you complaining about? It cost you nothing to download and install the game except some free time (which clearly you have a lot of, considering this thread). Rather than complaining (and let’s face it, that’s exactly what you were doing), you could’ve made a post asking for help. I guarantee you that at least 5 different people would’ve offered advice within 24 hours of your post. Hell even in this thread, people posted advice (if in a tongue-in-cheek manner)

Then, if you still felt particularly agitated at the lack of tutorials or the wiki page being outdated, you could’ve taken it upon yourself to update those things. You know, like the polite, sensible, altruistic human being that I’m sure you are when you aren’t hidden by anonymity (not even being sarcastic here).

Be the change.

P.S If you are looking for item descriptions/crafting info/etc. I believe there is an up-to-date website about that (don’t have the link, someone else, I’m sure, can provide.)

I started playing this game when I was a hormone addled idiot in middle school, and I still figured out how to play.

Also, I’m a (still hormone driven) college student taking 19 credits with a job. On average, I have about 3 to 4 hours of total free time during the work week, with many on here being faced with similar time crunches. So calm your tits, sit down, and act like you’re a sensible human being.

This thread made my day

At first glance I was all: ‘Sounds like this person has some legitimate complaints about the game’s interface.’

Then I saw this:

And later, this:

So then I was all:

~And nothing of value was lost.~

Well the obvious troll is obvious but it’s still fun to reply to sometimes.

People always say don’t feed the trolls

But thats boring. Who doesn’t want a pet troll?

Actually “the troll” is not so obvious considering he thanked whoever it was that helped him.

A few other things.
The guy probably wasted his evening after work failing to set up the game
Never played this kind of game, is getting bugs trying to configure it
Cant find the information he’s looking for, running into broken links and shit(I know this feeling)
Somehow ends up trying to fucking compile the game to fix his problem
Asks for help on the forum, gets babied and scolded by teenagers on the internet

I’m just saying, if it was me? I would probably be pissed too.

all so this is why this comunity is at the top of my list.

The OP comes in here and does not really ask very nicely.
in other forums he would have been met with heres the door etc.

But no the CDDA community still went out off there way to reply and help the guy whice is really nice :slight_smile:

[quote=“stk2008, post:32, topic:7586”]all so this is why this comunity is at the top of my list.

The OP comes in here and does not really ask very nicely.
in other forums he would have been met with heres the door etc.

But no the CDDA community still went out off there way to reply and help the guy whice is really nice :)[/quote]

Well if you do keep that cycle going on, what’s the point? Also most of the time when people are being obnoxious on some stuff, they just had a rough day and is taking it out on the next guy they encounter.

[quote=“Bonevomit, post:31, topic:7586”]Asks for help on the forum, gets babied and scolded by teenagers on the internet
I’m just saying, if it was me? I would probably be pissed too.[/quote]

would you insult the community and devs like that?
i mean, you don’t understand what’s going on, fine, you ask in forums, fine.
Then when someone responds to you in less than an hour, would you declare that the game is clearly designed by idiots??
Come on please, you are not playing a commercial game, RTFM at least, not just skim it and then insult the game designers for not providing the info you wanted…

Either troll, or deserved to get babied and scolded IMO.

What is this cod even and how does it relate to the issue?[/quote][/quote]

so how does this call of duty relate to this xD.

I recall having played the first in the series. Its not realy my thing but i still don t see anything comparable between cata and call of duty (though i do not know the newer installments.) '#hmmm they both start with a c…

Then again it doesn t matter much.

Sorry, Valpo, I feel like you’re getting left out. We’re comparing it to Call of Duty because it has a very shallow learning curve.

Oh … xD so you where beeing mean to the new guy okay okay :stuck_out_tongue:

Well i guess your right about the learning stuff . Thats not a bad thing though per se. I still don t like call of duty .

A guy that comes storming to the forums demanding and insulting people isnt made for a game like cataclysm especially being free and the work of a community. I wouldnt waste a single secound explaining anything to him.

Go play dwarf fortress if you think cataclysm has weird and hard mechanics to understand.

Dwarf Fortress would be being too kind. I’d send him to play Aurora. :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I wouldn’t mind having the game be a touch more accessible, myself. At least in the setup department. Try as I might though, I can’t make window resizing work without causing a segfault at some point. If that were done, I could make the game load fonts from the fonts folder and allow the player to select the fonts he’d like to use, while the size of the window can be manually adjusted. So, kinda like Dwarf Fortress.

I was quite prepared to post helpful information, but then I read back a bit and found stuff like:

Upon seeing that I decided that he’s on his own.

That one was particularly egregious; an uniformed blanket insult to the whole development team. I can’t speak for everyone involved, but I own my own house and it doesn’t even have a basement, I work all day and often most of the night, I take care of my aging parents on a daily basis, and I still manage to turn out some crappy code around the Witching Hour every night.

For free. Because working on DDA is my hobby, not my job.

So basically what I mean to say is that I don’t do tech support for people who open their conversation by insulting me and everyone else who’s working on the project.