More Herbivorous Mutation Categories

The way I play mutation roulette is by taking mutagen that has the opposite effect of a bad mutation I have gotten. For example, to get rid of Deterioration I’ll take Slime mutagen to try to get Fast Healer. But the only mutagen that I can use to counter Carnivorous is Cattle, which usually sticks me with Ponderous or Awkwardly Large. I was thinking about a few new herbivorous mutation categories to give me some choice in the matter.

Positive: Very Smart, Hooves, Stubby Tail, Lightly Furred, new mutation Tusks (like horns but with flavor)
Negative: Very Smelly, Herbivore, Screamer, Deformed
Basically a Cattle but with less risk and less combat orientation.

Positive: Smart, Insanely Strong, Good Memory, Cow Tail, Terrifying, Mammal Pheromones, Padded Feet, Large Tusks
Negative: Very Smelly, Herbivore, Awkwardly Large/Huge, Ponderous, Badly Deformed
Basically a more extreme version of Boar.

Positive: High Night Vision, Furry, Stubby Tail, Whiskers, Quick, Light Eater, Pretty, Disease Resistant, Padded Feet
Negative: Herbivore, Badly Deformed, Light Sensitive, maybe new mutation Small (less strength
Basically a combination of Rat and Bird.

Positive: Quills, Furry, Whiskers, Padded Feet
Negative: Herbivore, Deformed, Ponderous
Basically an excuse to get Quills that acts like a less extreme Rabbit.

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I love these - KA101, can you get them in-game after 0.A. lands?

We don’t need that many mutation trees IMO.

Yeah, they don’t feel all that differentiated from each other. Maybe just focus on one or two, and flesh them out more so they don’t overlap so much.

[quote=“TheFlame52, post:1, topic:5255”]The way I play mutation roulette is by taking mutagen that has the opposite effect of a bad mutation I have gotten. For example, to get rid of Deterioration I’ll take Slime mutagen to try to get Fast Healer. But the only mutagen that I can use to counter Carnivorous is Cattle, which usually sticks me with Ponderous or Awkwardly Large. I was thinking about a few new herbivorous mutation categories to give me some choice in the matter.

Positive: Very Smart, Hooves, Stubby Tail, Lightly Furred, new mutation Tusks (like horns but with flavor)
Negative: Very Smelly, Herbivore, Screamer, Deformed
Basically a Cattle but with less risk and less combat orientation.

Positive: Smart, Insanely Strong, Good Memory, Cow Tail, Terrifying, Mammal Pheromones, Padded Feet, Large Tusks
Negative: Very Smelly, Herbivore, Awkwardly Large/Huge, Ponderous, Badly Deformed
Basically a more extreme version of Boar.

Positive: High Night Vision, Furry, Stubby Tail, Whiskers, Quick, Light Eater, Pretty, Disease Resistant, Padded Feet
Negative: Herbivore, Badly Deformed, Light Sensitive, maybe new mutation Small (less strength
Basically a combination of Rat and Bird.

Positive: Quills, Furry, Whiskers, Padded Feet
Negative: Herbivore, Deformed, Ponderous
Basically an excuse to get Quills that acts like a less extreme Rabbit.[/quote]

Boar bears thinking about (needs more, IMO) and Porcupine is an excellent idea. (We need ways to get Quills into a category!) I’m not sold on Rabbit and Elephant ought to wait until they or Zoos are in the game. (Otherwise, where did Dionne’s team get the samples?)

These’ll need some fleshing out but yeah, can be done. Crosspost 'em in the “Mutation category expansion” thread, would you?