More fuel on fires should lead to longer lasting fires

not sure if this changed in .9… but throughout the game if you have more fuel on a fire it does not last longer. you also can’t add fuel to a fire to keep it going. My reasoning for this is when you jack up the zombie spawns. I have gotten my zombies spawns to 30x by mid to late game (I raise it as the game goes on). when you have this many zombies, its fun to get creative when you waste zombies.

so this is what i tried doing, but the fires dont last long enough.

dig puts to slow down zombies
construct a fence along the side. had sort of a funnel shape

\ /
\ /
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Pits inside
fuel inside

light fire as i back through it. lead zombies in it.
will try with a noise emmitter in the futures.

should be a way to add fuel from the sides to keep the cook fires going.


Are you sure about this? I’m fairly certain if you keep dropping wood on a fire, the fire keeps burning.

the size (intensity) of the fire increases if the fire is currently large enough to consume the fuel item.

In .8, fire length was hard to predict. Raging fires would last weeks. Small fires seem to die pretty quickly, and it wasn’t apparent whether or not I was getting significantly longer burning times by burning 4 skewers as opposed to 1. (If I get time, I’ll try to get some hard numbers) As a consequence, I usually burn one skewer at a time, because I found that even if the fire “goes out” during the crafting process, the item is still crafted successfully.

That said, in real life, you do have to continuously feed a small fire to keep it going at the same intensity without growing too large for an extended period of time. So I dunno what I think the best approach would be.

It’s worth mentioning that these fires were happening far from where my character spend most of his time, so I wonder if the game wasn’t updating the fire state after I got a certain distance away.

Yea, this is definitely an issue, I changed wood to burn a lot more slowly, but what happens is once a fire reaches “raging” it just goes totally out of control and starts burning through its fuel much faster. Another problem is once it reaches raging, I don’t think it goes back to medium intensity, because it starts consuming fuel even faster, so it just suddenly dies out.

In the current system, your best bet is probably to try and keep the fires from reaching the raging point, by spreading them out a bit more, possibly a checkerboard pattern? The number of adjacent fires does influence the intensity of each of the fires. Partially so that you can more easily make a single-tile fire without it getting out of control, but still let burning buildings turn into a raging firestorm.