[Update: Solved!] Mission Lab Error leading to buggy security glitch that makes game unplayable

I tried the fix mentioned here and it worked. I will outline more specifically what I did so that it’s easier for others to understand:

Follow the link (Updating to experimental 2021-08-21-2314 causes many errors every move in recent experimental world/saves, but not world/save from 0.F stable · Issue #50977 · CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA · GitHub) and scroll down to post mentioning the deleting of “‘queued_effect_on_conditions’ entries”. Then go into your CDDA save folder and look for the .sav file that has a long/weird name. I edited it with Visual Code Studio, but any text editor should work. Then delete the entries mentioned, save the file, and then load your game.

I made a backup of the file before I edited it, but there were no issues and everything works great again! :smiley: