Military vs. Hard plating

Good day!
Quick intro, I used to play the Whale’s version, loved it, spent hours at it. Got a little burned out and took a (6month) vacation, and then found that it was totally different. AND AWESOME. I’ve been reading the hell out of the forums and wiki, but have a question I can’t figure out.

Found a military APC. He WANNTS its. Is Military Composite armor better than Hard plating? Can I learn the recipe for Armored Wheels by deconstructing an armored wheel from the APC? If I can’t learn the recipe for armored wheels from dissassembling one, can I learn it another way? Would I be better off to modify the APC or can I salvage it usefully for the parts that aren’t wrecked?



Military plating? Armoured wheels? What is this wizardry?

I don’t think those things exist in the experimental I’m using. What version are they in?

Military Plating and Armored Wheels are stronger (and heavier) than Hard Plating and Wide Wheels. Neither can be crafted and must be pulled from military vehicles or found.

The latest experi.

Aw, neither can be crafted? If I upgrade to this experimental, will APCs etc spawn on areas of the map I haven’t explored yet? I’m not sure quite how that works. Would it need to be places that I hadn’t even revealed on my map via binoculars?

Thanks! Now to remove all the armor from it and slather it on the crunchy-mobile. Pity about the tires, all wrecked.

…I have… no honest idea on that one.

I think military composite armor is actually LIGHTER and stronger than hard plating. Not heavier. Lemme double-check the code on that.

From least to most weight: Wood (5600), Superalloy (10800), Spiked (12240) Steel (12880), Military Composite (16500), Hard (32640)
From least to most durability: Wood (300), Spiked/Superalloy (900), Steel (1000), Hard (2300), Military Composite (3250)

So yeah military composite kicks hard plating’s ass. Also, I realize now that superalloy really doesn’t do as well as I’d imagined it would. I mean, by pure ratio it’s a little bit better than steel, but I consider durability to be more important than weight so I’d probably just rather have steel.

Mind is blow up by the fact that theres APCs now

Huh, I always assumed that super alloy was the best and hard plating wasnt that good. Hard plating possibly needs a better name?

Super Alloy is lightest (Prior to wood?) but Hard Plating was strongest.

Super Alloy is lightest (Prior to wood?) but Hard Plating was strongest.[/quote]

This is somewhat tangential but now I’m thinking Superalloy needs a buff. Not a huge one but it should probably be lightened a bit more and strengthened a bit, so it can be considered a pure upgrade from steel. Maybe set it to weight 9000 and durability 1200?

AFAK super alloy is meant to represent the composite metals used to build things like modern aircraft, which would strong(-ish) like steel but much lighter, corrosion resistant and be more resistant to being deformed during moments of stress. Its game uses also reflect that, as it is found on helicopter crash sites and on robots (which you’ll like to be strong, corrosion resistant but lightweight).

What happens is that if you name something superalloy in a videogame, we all expect it to be adamantium or something instead of what a “superalloy” is in real life.

Perhaps renaming it to composite plating or something similar could work

[quote=“John Candlebury, post:13, topic:4775”]AFAK super alloy is meant to represent the composite metals used to build things like modern aircraft, which would strong(-ish) like steel but much lighter, corrosion resistant and be more resistant to being deformed during moments of stress. Its game uses also reflect that, as it is found on helicopter crash sites and on robots (which you’ll like to be strong, corrosion resistant but lightweight).

What happens is that if you name something superalloy in a videogame, we all expect it to be adamantium or something instead of what a “superalloy” is in real life.

Perhaps renaming it to composite plating or something similar could work[/quote]

The item name for military plating is “Military Composite Armor” “Super alloy” is from what I’ve seen in the stats at least, lightweight steel. I’m no metallurgist but why not call super alloy Titanium Alloy instead? As I understand it it’s used to make lightweight steel.

I’d thought superalloy was some Future Metal. If it was aluminum, why not just call it aluminum?

Mapped terrain is still kinda quantum. Things like vehicles, map-extras (corpse piles, etc) and interior layouts aren’t locked in until you get within 60 tiles or so: the whole “reality bubble” thing. So places where you haven’t been might still spawn the new stuff.

Huh yeah Military Plating has Composite on its name, which makes sense actually, AFAIK more light military vehicles have composite plating. Problem is that if i recall correctly, the air frames of most real life high-tech planes (looking at you F35) are also composite materials made of weaved glass fibers, titanium, aluminium and i think carbon nanotubes. So really its just not a Titanium-aluminum metal thing, the name superalloy is actually well deserved. Just an appropriate description to make people realize that its not adamantine could be enough, having it say for example:

A sheet of super alloy, its high strength and durability combined with a low weight made it the preferred material for the robotic and aeronautical industries.

Its a great relief to know that I dont actually write the descriptions.

…Why the hell did I always think Superalloy was the best type of plating in terms of strength? I also thought it would be super heavy. I’ve yet to find any in game except in an armoured vest.

i think the “super” in superalloy is what throws people off and leads them to think it’s the strongest AND lightest. how about “composite alloy plating” instead?

also, how come military vehicles don’t spawn at military bunkers and military outposts? i mean, those are two places one would expect to see a military vehicles or two.

when are we going to see tanks?

Military people tried to flee so the vehicles are found abandoned.

Also no tanks till z-levels. I refuse to shoot myself in the head with anything larger then a 9mm.