Making scenarios mod, but one keeps instantly dying

I’m making a mod with some challenge scenarios, 3 so far. Two of them are working fine, though they need a few tweaks, but the other one, the character starts with a broken torso every time. I’ve tested it about 50 times, including multiple times with a character with 20 in every stat, and not one of them has lived past the first turn.

The scenario:

“type”: “scenario”,
“id”: “l4d”,
“name”: “Left for dead”,
“points”: -5,
“description”: “You’ve been kidnapped and taken to a remote location, where you were stripped, drugged, r****d, badly beaten, and left for dead. Can you beat the odds and survive?”,
“start_name”: “Remote Location”,
“allowed_locs”: [ “sloc_cabin”, “sloc_cabin_lake”, “sloc_hermit_shack”, “sloc_barn_ruin”, “sloc_lighthouse_ground”, “sloc_lmoe” ],
“professions”: [ “naked”, “svictim” ],
“eoc”: “scenario_left_for_dead”,

The effect_on_condition:

“type”: “effect_on_condition”,
“id”: “scenario_left_for_dead”,
“eoc_type”: “SCENARIO_SPECIFIC”,
“effect”: [
{ “u_add_effect”: “flu”, “intensity”: 1, “duration”: “1000 minutes” },
{ “u_add_effect”: “infected”, “intensity”: 1, “duration”: “PERMANENT”, “target_part”: “RANDOM” },
{ “u_add_effect”: “drunk”, “intensity”: 1, “duration”: “720 minutes” },
“u_add_morale”: “morale_feeling_bad”,
“bonus”: -100,
“max_bonus”: -100,
“duration”: “500 minutes”,
“decay_start”: “200 minutes”

I want the character to start with an infected wound on the torso, but I tried changing it to random to see if it helped, and it hasn’t made any difference. I tried removing the flu (it’s kinda temporary anyway) but that didn’t make a difference either.

On the same topic, I’m trying to give the character an approximation of having been dosed with rohypnol, barbiturates, and lsd, but I can’t find a list of valid effects; I tried “opiate” (opiate withdrawal) and “fatigue”, and both of those were invalid. Basically I want the character nauseous, hallucinating, exhausted. I also want them in severe pain (though the HELI-CRASH flag should take care of that. Any ideas how I can add these effects?

Also, for one of the other scenarios, I’d like to restrict the character’s age (it makes sense for the scenario). Is that possible?