Magiclysm: A Total Fantasy Overhaul

The problem was More City Locations. Giving them letter designations stopped the overwriting, it did not, however, cause them to actually spawn.

no, for the purposes of encumbrance your hands are not your arms and your arms are not your hands.

Does anyone know how to complete the Tome of the Battle Mage Magiclysm mission, from the NPC in The Wizard’s Vacation scenario? All the information it gives me is this:

The wizard himself wasn’t much more helpful: “That apprentice must have taken it!” or something of the sort. The tome doesn’t appear to be in the wizard tower itself, and the mission gives no mission location on the map. Any help?

Also, I noticed that as a reward for mastering Phase Door I gained knowledge of Dimension Door- are there any other spells that work like this (upgrade to an advanced variant upon mastery?) For example, Magic Missile → Mana Bolt?

That is not a quest specific book and you just need to find the spellbook by that name.

Also, some stat-allocation advice? If I start as a Technomancer with Synaptic Stimulation, for example, as I have the last few runs, is it worth further boosting the already high INT value or should I instead put the spare points in other stats, since INT gains seem fairly linear (INT 13 is the highest reading requirement in the game, for example, and that’s for a single book), and most of what it does, aside from enlarging mana pool, simply saves time, which is generally a resource in plentiful supply (evolution doesn’t happen that fast unless you raise the rates) ? Should I run with the +4 Dexterity bonus by further raising DEX and making Dodge my primary defence, leave it alone (for the same reasons as not raising INT further, although I’m not sure of the linearity of DEX), or actually lower it since now I can, for example, still have 8 DEX with 4 base DEX? Perception probably isn’t necessary since I have spells for ranged offence and you can still use guns fine without boosted Perception, and I’m thinking I want STR 10 or 11 to have the option of melee. Thoughts?

Perception 9 is nice for the extra tile sight range in the dark.

Strength 10 is generally a must to be able to move + bash objects and for melee. I don’t really go for more than 10 strength as there are tons of ways to increase it later on.

Dex seems to be the worst stat, especially since the dodge nerfs. Also synaptic stimulation gives you plenty of dex most of the time that you have need it.

Int is my dump stat (12-14)if I am planning on using spells a fair bit as mana is very scarce (outside of the animist + biomancer combo) and synaptic stimulation does not last long enough to be useful with reading, crafting or enlarging your mana pool. The bonus mana from int also scales very nicely with the mana mutations. Lastly when you spend a ton of time reading books for both skills and spells the faster reading time is massive.

Does the bicephalous eel ring + obfuscation aura both still work with the dodge attempt nerfs and if so do they stack?

Thanks! Trying 10/7/12/9 for now.

Where I can find or craft mana crystals? Only in wizard’s towers and related?

If I wanted to add some mithril and orichalcum craftable versions of regular melee weapons do you think that would be accepted?

I am not certain about the intended properties of these two metals but in game mithril has the same density as aluminum( 1/3rd that of steel) and orichalcum is about the same as steel.

So I was thinking that mithril versions will have the same cut/pierce damage as steel with reduced bash and reduced weight(making them 1/3rd the weight as their steel counterparts might be a bit much of a weight reduction though)

Orichalcium versions will have the same weight and bash damage as steel versions but with a minor bonus to cut and pierce. You should probably also need a demon forge to make the orichalcum version .

Wizard towers, magic shops and academies should have some. Breaking the large mana crystals you can find in towers/academies with a high enough bash damage weapon should yield one or two as well, along with lucky finds during regular looting runs. And if you’re lucky enough to find a Forge of Wonders, you should be able to trade for some.

yup. orichalcum is magical “bronze” and indeed is similar to steel, though i’m pretty sure i made it denser. mithril on the other hand is magical “aluminum” though it’s much tougher. i do review and merge prs for magiclysm; the worst i can say is “no” and usually i try to work with you and tell you things to change to make it mergeable before just saying no

Where do I find tools with mana infusing?

You have to craft it. A few books have the recipe.

Ive been searching everywhere and I can’t seem to find any. What buildings do they spawn in usually?

Forge of wonders and academies are probably your best bet.

My understanding is that leprechauns are part of Magiclysm
Do they serve any purpose other than Be Bastard? I just struggled to kill one and it left no loot at all and kinda just ran at me saying nothing and attacking like a madman
Magiclysm is nice but I gotta say, I really don’t care for those guys

I think i rest my case.

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Oh okay it’s a reference then I guess that’s fair.
I’ve actually seen the movie forever ago but for some reason didn’t actually make the connection