Magiclysm: A Total Fantasy Overhaul

Not messing with the wizards towers/academies obviously xD

It does add them, but for the enemies, they are isolated on the Arcana mod locations, so you cant randomly stumble on them like with the secronom mod, or the owlbear/troll from magiclysm.
And about the items, they are basically late mid-game or end game content, so when you get them it doesnt affect that much since you can basically plow most by that time

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How do I successfully name a gate? So far I’ve only managed to name 1 and I don’t feel like I did something different.
And yes I’ve made sure to not activate them again only to leave it blank.

well you need to name it, you can’t leave it blank otherwise there’s no name for it.

Well yeah. I activate it, type in a name and hit enter. When casting Translocate Self, the gate is active and usable but has no name.
I was just clarifying that I didn’t accidentally activate the gate again, but leaving a blank name.

However 1 out of my ~7 active gates was successfully named and I can’t think of what I did differently. Is it that you can’t rename a gate, so if I leave it blank on the first interaction it’s locked as blank?

i have a question about the creation of spells/item that cast spells.
I want to make an item that when thrown and hits it activates and cast a spell with itself as a target , it works as intended until the moment it casts the spell, the cursor appears for me to cast it and select the target, tried with the targets like “none” (but it just doesnt cast it) and with a spell like the bear trap, but it just cast it around me (as if i stepped on the trap).

it is posible do and im just missing something?, or it isnt implemented?

and would a workaround like summoning an “invisible” mob to spawn and cast said spell, then despawn work?

Edit: just tried, any kind of spawn seems to take the player as the center, if i use said item, it falls and the monster is summoned around me, if i use a trap the game ask where around me i want to put it.

i have not tried to implement anything related to throwing an item that has a spell cast at its epicenter.

kamikaze spell casting mob it is xD
thanks n.n/

A similar question — I’m trying to practice casting a druid spell “wooden shaft” which seems like a nature-based “magic missle” kind of spell. Are we not able to cast these at targets for practice? It works fine on zombies, but I can’t just shoot the ground or some bottles along the fence to train up. :slight_smile:

no, you have to forcefully select the target that the spell indicates (in this case only hostile)
There are others attack spells, like burning hands that can be targeted on the ground, making it kind of easy to level up.

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How do you use the Blood Power Generator CBM ?
I don’t know how to refill it ?

When you butcher a corpse it ask where do you put want to put the blood, if you have the CBM installed, t becomes one of the options for it.

I have tried it and is kind of efficient in my opinion, it takes 100 units to fill, and you only need like 50 units of blood to get around 200kj of bionic power

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The bow Ichaival from ‘The Weapons of Asgard and Beyond’ crafting book requires a reflex recurve bow which was removed from the player crafting recipes last month, isn’t on any loot table and will not make a return to vanilla from what I can tell in this thread.

So it needs to be replaced with some other bow.

Wait, don’t tell me you’re not fueling your bionics with mana, fueling your mana with health and fueling your health with mana and bionic power?

It’s the circle of abominations life.

the blood bionic is a basically a guaranteed one if you start with the “wizard apprentice” profession

And you can do one better if you use the arcana mod, with its healing, and druid tireless(forgot the actual name, nature trance or something like that) spell

Yeah it has served me well but at this point I don’t need it any longer. Though keeping it filled with some dragon blood for emergencies is good.

Honestly with the insanely efficient healing per bionic power of of Repair Nanobots CBM and the pain removal of Mind over Matter which only costs stamina, alongside burst healing of cure light wounds if the CBM is too slow I can’t imagine asking for even more.

lol, that feels like you are role playing wolverine, i meant instead of using the heal from the biomancer use the heal from the arcana, since it uses fatigue if you have the druid spells it kinds of offsets the fatigue effect,

Oh I don’t know much about the arcana stuff, will check out the mod in a future playthrough.
But with how efficiently the nanobots heal I rarely need to use cure light wounds unless I find myself in the middle of a fight with very low health.

I need to do some testing but it feels like nanobots heals more per power spent (Manatricity converts mana to bionic power at a 1:1 ratio) than cure light wounds. Of course spending no mana or bionic power at all to heal would be ideal but there’s an end even to my own greed.

I will take this playstyle to heart, I’m already this far and have the Ninjutsu arts, all that’s left is the Bionic Claws CBM. If you’re not going to cosplay as a fictitious super hero during a zombie apocalypse, when are you?

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Apologies for the double post and maybe I’m being crazy here, but shouldn’t the player be able to disassemble orichalcum frames?
It’s kind of silly that I have to weld them onto a vehicle and ram into building to get their lumps and slivers.

Semi-related; the sword Garm has ‘Leather, Orichalcum, Steel’ material classifications, making it so that you can improve it to ++ with a tailoring kit. Not sure if intended but this is otherwise pretty much only doable with whips.

Also you can’t improve the bow Ichaival with a gunsmith or firearm repair kit because “This isn’t a firearm”, but you can do that to all other bows. Additionally, you can’t put it in a bow sling.

Whenever i have the Synaptic Stimulation buff i keep getting “you were hurt” messages on all actions that take more than 1 turn. It doesn’t really damages me, but it’s annoying.

Is this suppose to be happening now? Because i don’t remember being a thing before.
I’m on the latest experimental, with only Magiclysm, No Fungal Monsters, and Stats thru Kills mods

does someone knows the criteria of the spell order in the spell UI?, i thought it was by learning order, but apparently not

it’s ordered by spell id

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