thats if you are lucky, just remember that any kind of these overmap terrain can still be easily spotted if you change the land codes (ctrl+A by default) they look different that the other tiles, like forest tiles looking like white “#” for example , it works atm for any kind of special overmap; dragon lairs, spider nest, saddler nests, bandit hideouts, magiclysm cabins etc.
That is a neat trick i didn’t know about. It will certainly make it easier for me to track down those elusive black dragons.
Does someone knows if there is a difference between types of damage in spells? specifically on fire and ice ones?, i know that true type does damage ignoring the targets armor, and that electric can zap the enemies, but fire,ice,heat eludes me. asking because i found the point flare and ice spike spell, and they seem identical
What’s the difference between ‘Mana Efficiency’ and ‘Mana Sensitivity’? Both appear to just increase your mana pool.
Does sensitivity increase the amount of max mana granted by intelligence as opposed to the more straight forward max mana boost from efficiency?
Also how is mana regeneration calculated? Mana pool size doesn’t seem to have an effect, however intelligence I think does. Made same character with and without mana efficiency and got same regen, but with an int boost like ‘Synaptic Stimulation’ the regeneration gets improved.
Some enemies like firefighters are resistant to fire, also certain fire spells (all of them?) can apply a burning DoT effect. Might be imagining it but I think cold spells have a chance to apply a stun, going to start paying extra attention when casting and see if I can confirm.
‘Mana Efficiency’ grants a flat bonus to your max mana (500/1000/2000 from ‘lesser’ to ‘greater’ efficiency) while ‘Mana Sensitivity’ increases it by a factor of 1.25/1.9/2.5 (also in order from ‘lesser’ to ‘greater’).
I don’t no the exact answer to this question, but it seems like you are intended to regenerate all of your mana in slightly over 8 hours regardless of how much mana you have. However, ‘Mana Regeration’ mutations will change that rate.
From what I understand, currently both fire and ice damage are reduced by the targets fire resistance, so the only difference between them is that fire can catch enemies on fire and ice can’t. NPC’s and the player might get their temperature slightly lowered if hit with ice damage and will get caught on fire by fire damage.
In churches, apparently.
Just found ‘Necromantic Minions for Dummies’ in one and not seen people mention them as a spot so thought I’d throw it out there.
I’ve found lots of books in various places, but never a magic item.
Thats like, total heresy
Magic books althought not common, can spawn basically in any kind of spawn location for books (libraries, houses etc) now magic items like wands or crystals, are kinda rare too even in the magic cabins (now with wizard academies and towers are a lot easier)
Has anyone tried recently the necromancer summoining spells? my summoned skeleton seems to only stay in one place (if nothing to attack) while the zombie does follow me if im near them
I updated to the latest experimental, and when I try to load a save I get this error message
[quote] DEBUG : Error: data/mods//Magiclysm/start_locations.json: line 3:30: must specify either ‘abstract’ or ‘id’
“type”: “start_location”,
“ident”: “church_3rdfloor_1”,
“name”: “Church”,
“target”: “church_3rdfloor_1”
FUNCTION : bool main_menu::load_character_tab(bool)
FILE : src/main_menu.cpp
LINE : 1103[/quote]
I copied just the new experimental into a fresh folder and started a new world, and that loads fine. Not sure why the old save won’t work?
change the “ident” part to “id” in the jsons.
But still is weird, since magiclysm is a main mod. maybe it got already fixed in the next build already
Thanks, that fixed it.
So do Huge mana crystals or Alembics actually do anything? Or the orrery?
You can smash the mana crystals for some wand-ammo.
I feel like wands need some love and rework.
- First issue; Crystallized mana.
Time and mana cost to create is not balanced with amount that may be found. I got ~1400 crystallized mana from raiding an academy which equals 4 months of crystallizing your own mana, assuming 100 speed and not sleeping for the entire time.
And that’s not even taking into account the fact that you’ll need to regenerate your mana, those 1400 crystals will cost you 1.4 million mana.
- Second issue; Wand ‘ammo’ cost.
Why would I want to use a weaker wand (like magic missile rather than fireball) when they cost the same?
Now I’m not overly familiar with coding or the game logic so it may not be possible to make a wand consume multiple charges (but assuming the crystals are treated as batteries, it should be?) but the second option is to have ~3-4 different kinds of crystallized mana.
You could call these something like (from weakest to strongest) ‘unstable light crystallized mana’, ‘unstable crystallized mana’, ‘stable light crystallized mana’ and ‘stable crystallized mana’. Time and mana cost to creating them would have an incremental increase, say 200 mana & 20 minutes - 400ma & 40min - 600ma & 60min 800ma & 80min.
Then each wand can only use one type of crystallized mana making cost and effectiveness easier to scale. Maybe make a spellcraft recipe to convert to higher/lesser ones in bulk.
- Third issue; Practical usage.
It doesn’t make sense that you can’t cast spells when wielding a wand, maybe it was done for balance purposes and/or to promote other spellcraft weapons that lets you cast (of which there are too few) but whatever the reason, it’s lame.
Additionally I’d like to see some wand holsters (could just let you put them in a sheath and some belts for simplicity’s sake) and mana crystal holders (again could just let you put them in anything that can carry magazines).
- Fourth issue; Crafting.
Wands should be the staple weapon of magic users yet we can’t craft them (I think? cdda-trunk doesn’t properly show them and I have a bunch of magic crafting books), of course you can’t have every single spell as a wand but at least the more iconic ones of every school should be represented and in a range of power.
Requiring the use of class specific runes in the creation would also further distinguish each class, as opposed to now when an animist can run around casting magic missiles. I still think wands should be lootable and those can be used by anyone but the stronger ones should be exceedingly rare which pushes players towards crafting their own instead.
Not sure if this is the place for it, but this error shows up for me whenever mage light expires.
not just magic light, any magic item that disappears.
And about the crystals and wands, it was a total let down when i found the scroll to make mana crystals and boom, 2k mana and a lot of time for just 1 crystal, i was all excited to make a magic engine and use it ºnº
That does seem too low. On the other hand, I can see a magic academy having all the underclassmen assigned to grind out a bunch of mana crystals as part of their classwork.
Very aggressive owlbears and trolls in the woods and dragons in the swamps. Edited JSON to make them spawn a month into the Cataclysm cause they kept destroying innawoods runs.
do one better and you be the magical turret, if you learn one of those spells that can be cast through walls, you can cast them in the same fashion inside your vehicle, one of my other combinations of spells, is to have a vehicle to use as a ram, go at high speeds, then use the teleport spell to get out of it, just be careful of not appearing in front of said vehicle