MAC OSX - Compile Help

And in case we need it, the Mac builds came up on the DDA reddit (subreddit? wev) with this including a link to the better thread.

Random tip for running Cataclysm on Mac OS X Yosemite:

If you’ve recently upgraded you’ll find the number pad no longer works correctly; this and the fix is referenced here:

Basically the upgrade turns on an option that used to default off, but it’s an easy fix by going to the Terminal preferences and disabling “Allow VT100 Application Keypad Mode.”

As well I found getting Cataclysm to work far easier with previous knowledge of the Linux command line; install Xcode, Homebrew, install your missing dependencies, make sure the is marked as executable (chmod u+x), and bam it just works.

[quote=“Clumsyman, post:12, topic:8490”]I downloaded the new 0.B Mac curses, but it only opens and closes. I tried opening with the terminal and this is what it said:

*****-MacBook-Pro-5:~ Shadow$ cd /Users/Shadow/Desktop/cataclysm/; ./cataclysm
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/liblua.5.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/Shadow/Desktop/cataclysm/
Reason: image not found.
Trace/BPT trap: 5
****-MacBook-Pro-5:Resources Shadow$

This is what the 0.B Tiles version says in terminal:

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Users/Shadow/Desktop/cataclysm/
******-MacBook-Pro-5:cataclysm Shadow$

0.B Tiles also opens and closes like Curses.

And thats what happens. I’m not sure if I’m missing something or what. I was getting this update because it has the tilesets I’ve been wanting to use. Help would be appreciated. Have an amazing weekend![/quote]

Sorry to double post, but I had the same issue; assuming you have Homebrew installed, in a terminal window just install lua with Brew and it should then just work so you don’t have to fool around with Wine in the future:

[tt]brew install lua51[/tt]
[tt]brew install lua[/tt]

I do not have homebrew installed actually. I prefer wineskin because I’ve been using it forever to covert my Windows only games (Like ETS 2, which didn’t have the mac version out at the time) using the .exe and get a mac version running. Appreciate that info, it will help people who has homebrew installed and don’t want to mess with wineskin. :slight_smile:

[quote=“n5corp, post:22, topic:8490”]Random tip for running Cataclysm on Mac OS X Yosemite:

If you’ve recently upgraded you’ll find the number pad no longer works correctly; this and the fix is referenced here:

Basically the upgrade turns on an option that used to default off, but it’s an easy fix by going to the Terminal preferences and disabling “Allow VT100 Application Keypad Mode.”[/quote]
This. I forgot to post about this when I fixed it. Thank you sir.

zero problems so far, other than the fact that I gave mac a “much needed” bath on accident and am now running laggy/instant shutdown if power cable unplugs. I don’t have num pad anyways so no bigy there especially since makers were clever enough to allow standard qwerty to do all needed actions. Current character going on day 10 soon. This game is so epic cracks me up at every turn. Right now I am spending my time rollerblading around town with 20 throwing knives, a caltrop, kukari, and an 870 shotgun for emergencies. With 42 base move cost(on flat tiles) and lvl 9 throwing, kiting zombies is laugh riot, even with (or maybe especially with) shopping carts in tow.
Big thanks to everyone for helping me get setup, I never realized how ridiculously easy Wine is.

[quote=“Litppunk, post:26, topic:8490”]zero problems so far, other than the fact that I gave mac a “much needed” bath on accident and am now running laggy/instant shutdown if power cable unplugs. I don’t have num pad anyways so no bigy there especially since makers were clever enough to allow standard qwerty to do all needed actions. Current character going on day 10 soon. This game is so epic cracks me up at every turn. Right now I am spending my time rollerblading around town with 20 throwing knives, a caltrop, kukari, and an 870 shotgun for emergencies. With 42 base move cost(on flat tiles) and lvl 9 throwing, kiting zombies is laugh riot, even with (or maybe especially with) shopping carts in tow.
Big thanks to everyone for helping me get setup, I never realized how ridiculously easy Wine is.[/quote]
Nice! Happy to hear its working nicely even after extended play. I haven’t got past 3 days. Haha.

use the “rouge-like characters” mod, it’ll give you better starting characters to choose from. I chose the Rouge, throwing weapons are beastly. Also change the skill rust setting. Level 12 throwing now. Now on Summer day 3 After this character dies I am going to go back to the vanilla characters to make it harder start. Other settings that are nice to mess with, dynamic spawn OFF. If I am not mistaken this keeps zims from spawning when you make loud noises.

wow… did I just go from noob to noob helper? That was a fast turn around…

[quote=“Litppunk, post:28, topic:8490”]use the “rouge-like characters” mod, it’ll give you better starting characters to choose from. I chose the Rouge, throwing weapons are beastly. Also change the skill rust setting. Level 12 throwing now. Now on Summer day 3 After this character dies I am going to go back to the vanilla characters to make it harder start. Other settings that are nice to mess with, dynamic spawn OFF. If I am not mistaken this keeps zims from spawning when you make loud noises.

wow… did I just go from noob to noob helper? That was a fast turn around…[/quote]
Yeah I changed both settings you mentioned. Thanks! I’ll try it.

Hello everyone, I was having a bit of trouble getting the lastest build to compile on my MAC but I was able to finally get it compiled and working correctly in OSX Mavericks.

To build it correctly you need to have xcode and possibly some additional build utilities installed. I had downloaded and installed these in order to get irssi compiled on my MAC as well.

I used Fink to get the dev stuff worked out to compile FOSS software. You can find instructions on how to get it here

After that all I had to do was build it with the options below. I found that without the disable of localize then the compile would fail with gettext errors. I possibly could fix this by using apt-get to install it but the localization is not that important for me. If anyone would like a pre-compiled binary so they can just play it I may be able to upload it somewhere or a dev can contact me and I would gladly upload it to the web page for download :).


As mentioned in above I have ditched playing the mac complied version in favor of WINE. Windows versions are kept much more up to date and I can play the most recent experimentals with no problems except for the same ones windows users would be having.

Yeah I was not replying to this thread. Looks like one of the mods combined mine into yours. Its not overly difficult to get it compiled on mac as its mostly just unix anyway it just takes a few more tools and such. Using wine is a solution I guess but if there was somewhere we could upload the compiled versions it would help out any other users that are having similar issues.

Yea… but WINE is SOOO easy, and by helping them get the initial WINE setup they can then move files and mess with saves etc… exactly the same as everyone else without having to convert changes over in a much more complicated manor.

I combined 'em as it seemed a shame to lose the info for Mac compiling just because we released a new stable (which of itself shouldn’t invalidate the old info). We’ve already got a pile of stickies here, so combining the threads seemed a good way to cut down on clutter. Sorry for the confusion.

And to be clear, yeah, we want to have working Mac builds, and I’d love it if folks could test Treah’s (or anyone else’s!) build. If it works and doesn’t cause problems, having a solid and recent Mac build would look great on the main page.

good point. That’ll definitely look nice on main page, make catadda look more official and well put together (which it is, even if still a work in progress) but I hope you don’t mind ima stick with windows builds :stuck_out_tongue:

You can find a currently compiled version here. If someone can test this out and let me know if its working or not it would be appreciated. Also this is the non tiles version of the game as getting SDL is being problematic. However I should have a Tiles build up soon and it should be located in the tiles branch. Also when I get it compiled I have a 0.C branch and that is for the stable build of the game. I will post it there when I can get a Tiles version build and put there as I am sure most people would want the option to play with tiles on the stable version :slight_smile:

Hello All

I actually had to reinstall MACOSX on my system so I was able to test my own binary that was created. This works good and is able to be played without having to download any additional libraries or tools.
The current version I state here would be what is refereed to on the web page as the experimental build.

I have updated the current one to the newest build and compiled it this time with tiles support.

The github link is still correct and the master branch is the most recent version of the game with some fixes to allow compile but I am hopeing to have those changes merged with the main game source to fix them. I also include a stable branch and this is the 0.C branch from the main github page for Cata and is compiled with tiles. For the users who dont use tiles however I also have a notiles branch that is the current version without tiles compiled in.

I’ve been working extensively on the Mac OS X build. I’ve got an unofficial release with tiles, sound, lua support that works on 10.7+.

If you need help, let me know.

Since I figured somone might be curious about this you can find current builds of the MAC OSX client on the Jenkins web page.

Here are links to the current ones. Also the build instrucitons in the game for brew are pretty solid now and work very well so some of the info in this thread is a bit dated and no longer needed.

Anyway here are the links.

You can also checkout this interesting step by step guide from DrDuPont on reddit if you want to build the game yourself on Mac.