Longest car launch?

I see people try to break the Cataclysm DDA speed record, I don’t know what the record is but I breaking the speed record is kinda boring, I decide how far can I launch my self.
I first found a nice long patch of road, I debugged 9999 strength and smashed the cars so that it won’t be a problem for my bike. I debugged in a bicycle and using my huge strength I reached a speed of 10000, but I wasn’t stopping there.I keep going until the road ended and dove off the car and wait for the lag to clear up. After a long while of waiting I realized that I flew a huge distance. I dropped a few cigars and repeated a few times until I landed exactly next to the cigars.
Here’s the link:

Also I forgot to mention exactly how far I flew, I was too lazy to count but I guess around 30 or so map tiles.

Launch Yourself through a hulk and kill it .


Thats a perfect idea, I just build a U shaped cage and spawn a hulk, teleport out of the reality bubble to make sure it doesn’t escape, approach and launch.

Update: I did it, I killed the hulk and slam through the cage made out of reinforce concrete. I now want to see how many hulks in a row I can kill.

I knew you had what it takes.

Now make a video of it .

cataclysm dark days ahead survovors in a nutshell

We need dead hulk pictures!