Well, I’m not expecting that this gets added to the game but just think about it for a momment.
I’m still very bad at playing and don’t know how the game works so I doubt I could make a mod myself to add this but maybe some year if the cataclysm doesn’t strike I make a mod or two for what I consider the game that best suits me.
Anyways just have a look, you may get inspired or something.
The ideas are:
-A magic mod, with which you can do either good or dark magic. The good one using a lot of inteligence and magic books and the dark one using sacrifices and giving your own blood to some deity. It isn’t so strange as my cataclysm game already has robots dinosaurs and mutants and lots of strange things like I think I have seen a freakin unicorn. Not even lying. I think I did. It just vanished.
Whatever, this could be a great mod. You already can become a cyborg or a mutant, or both. Why not become a whizard or a god?
-The second idea is hard to do, but it could be cool: this starts because I would like to go to the coast, get a boat and find a uninhabited island where I could make a base.
This made me think if it could be possible to add biomes to the game. Like tropical islands and deserts and stuff. All with its own vegetation and monsters. But, why stay there? Why not go wild? Why not create the possibility to find portals to other worlds in the lab or to create a spaceship to go explore new worlds. Idk this is obviously too hard and it surely will never be done but this game is already crazy, why not make it crazier?
-This last one is in my opinion the easiest to be made. It is not an idea of a great new system of getting overpowered or something. It is just little items or things you could add.
Because this game is suposedly set in a future with cyborgs and mutants, which already exist here. But while playing I feel like I am too much in the present. If we really are in the future, we would have to encounter some new things. I don’t want any time traveling machine or something like that, but just think of this: in the present day, we are just starting to scratch the surface of a lot of new technologies.
So why don’t we make at least one or two of these technologies true in cataclysm.
For example, it would make me really feel in the future if I found a Fusion Power Plant. Because it is a greate source of energy. It is a lot safer, does notgenerate so much waste and generates a lot of more energy. Also renewable energies are starting to get strong today. It would be cool to find power generating structures.
Also, talking of new ways of generating power, there would also be some wereable power generators that would be very popular. For example these batteries that generate power through the heat of the food youre eating over it. Or friction batteries, which you activate to friction them for quite some time to generate a little power. Also I found it strange that there are no flaslights of those you can power by twistingthe handle. These flashlights only emit light at the same time they are being twisted. If you stop it they turn of. So you could use it as an instant lights source that just flashes and goes away quickly
But anyway, there are more things other than just power generating stuff.
For example you could be able to find one broken domotic house. This is a robotic house controlled with your phone, voice or a control. You know, these houses with artifitial inteligence that can remotely close windows change the temperature and stuff like that at your will without having to touch those things.
Also I don’t know what you can do with hacking and computers and if this is already possible but it would be cool to be able to play games in your PC if you have battery. Not like you actually would play them but just show a text like “You lose some time mining some blocks.” and then your morale rises.
Also I don’t know if this already exists but what it you find an artificial inteligence? Not like it would be able to do much but it could be like another NPC that doesn’t move and asks you for some piece of software as a mission or something. Then it would open a door behind which there would be…
It could be interesting.
Or whatever, add the posibility to create a sonic screwdriver with which you could control robots or turn them off.
You know, pieces of technology to make us feel we are in the future.
-And lastl but not least: Mad Max stuff
I think you already can plae spikes on your mobile fortress. Like you could have a hell of a fortress with many electric motors that could step on zombies as if they were insects.
It would be cool to be able to make NPCs able to ride with you. TO FREAKIN HAVE A ROAMING GANG; THE CATACLYSM RAIDERS.
This game is awesome