Less wimpy winter!

Good harsh winter could earn you background points too:

Start in spring: -1 points (you have luxurious amount of time to brace yourself)
Start in summer: 0 points (you will do fine, no worries)
Start in fall : 1 points (ok, you need to start acting like you care)
Start in winter : 3 points (No. Cargo shorts and t-shirt wont cut it)

Ha, sounds good, if/when winter’s buffed. +1

[quote=“Sharklaser, post:61, topic:3372”]Good harsh winter could earn you background points too:

Start in spring: -1 points (you have luxurious amount of time to brace yourself)
Start in summer: 0 points (you will do fine, no worries)
Start in fall : 1 points (ok, you need to start acting like you care)
Start in winter : 3 points (No. Cargo shorts and t-shirt wont cut it)[/quote]

I like the idea. I think it was thrown around for the Mod Manager.

Ehh, it could, but no.

The thing is that, in the lore, it starts when the game starts, not before, not after. It could break time and space.

[quote=“StopSignal, post:64, topic:3372”]Ehh, it could, but no.

The thing is that, in the lore, it starts when the game starts, not before, not after. It could break time and space.[/quote]


Woo, Canada!

-5 is usually where it is technically but then wind chill makes it feel like -15 or so, which is cold, but reasonable. (well, for a Canadian).

Wind chill wouldn’t operate if indoors or underground, though, so being able to hole up in little safespots along the way during winters would be a pretty easy way to cope with colder winters ingame. …foraging for food/goods would be harder since the commute would be so uncomfortable, but that’s basically what winter is.