Good harsh winter could earn you background points too:
Start in spring: -1 points (you have luxurious amount of time to brace yourself)
Start in summer: 0 points (you will do fine, no worries)
Start in fall : 1 points (ok, you need to start acting like you care)
Start in winter : 3 points (No. Cargo shorts and t-shirt wont cut it)
[quote=“Sharklaser, post:61, topic:3372”]Good harsh winter could earn you background points too:
Start in spring: -1 points (you have luxurious amount of time to brace yourself)
Start in summer: 0 points (you will do fine, no worries)
Start in fall : 1 points (ok, you need to start acting like you care)
Start in winter : 3 points (No. Cargo shorts and t-shirt wont cut it)[/quote]
I like the idea. I think it was thrown around for the Mod Manager.
-5 is usually where it is technically but then wind chill makes it feel like -15 or so, which is cold, but reasonable. (well, for a Canadian).
Wind chill wouldn’t operate if indoors or underground, though, so being able to hole up in little safespots along the way during winters would be a pretty easy way to cope with colder winters ingame. …foraging for food/goods would be harder since the commute would be so uncomfortable, but that’s basically what winter is.