Just out of curiosity

do Granades actually do anything other than make noise?

Kinda seems like they amount to a whole lotta nothing.

I’ll let you try and answer the question on your own.

Do you honestly think I don’t know that they’re named after Kevin Granade? I wasn’t asking who they were named after, I was asking if they do anything.

They can give BUFFS!!(perm stat upgrades) NERFS!!(perm stat downgrades)) or BUGFIXES!!(?) and BEES!(some sort of crazy debuff).

Think I’m gonna go throw all my Granades in a river then.

Better idea, throw all of them at an NPC companion if you can’t work up the nerve to play roulette yourself. You just might turn them into a hulk pulping super human.

BUGFIXES!! makes any insect type monsters in the radius explode.

BUGFIXES!! makes any insect type monsters in the radius explode.[/quote]

they alslo remove none if my memory is good

Nope, urban legend right there. :stuck_out_tongue: (Though they will also remove hallucinations they hit as well).

Isn’t that just a side effect of the fact that hallucinations disappear from one hit?

Nope, specifically makes hallucinations explode the same as insects do.

I’ve gotten bees before. What do they even do? To me they just look like clouds of smoke that follow you around and annoy you by prompting you with y/n when you step.

[quote=“TheFlame52, post:12, topic:7408”]I’ve gotten bees before. What do they even do? To me they just look like clouds of smoke that follow you around and annoy you by prompting you with y/n when you step.[/quote] look at your pain and STUNG! status and how fast your health drop

I’ve never seen that. It might be because I keep my whole body covered or because I have all the alloy plating CBMs.

You are adequately prepared for bees. This whole thread has me giggling.

They’re just an easter egg with some weird effects.

Good job flame, sounds like you have the appropriate level of paranoia.
The bees are there to be the bullet in the Russian roulette that is a Granade, and because I thought it was funny.
As per usual though, I let the survivor defend themselves by having sufficient environmental protection.

I’m not even paranoid about Granades, just everything else. And I thought the bullet was NERFS!! until just now.

you wear anbc suit?

Nah, just full light survivor gear.