Italian Translation

Help menu almost done, only FAQs are left. Next is the tutorial.

One issue I found is the string (#12695) representing the driving directions, I just copy-pasted it, but it looks weird in-game:

Also, all the commands of the vehicle menu (repair, remove, siphon etc.) are not shown, for some reason. (Maybe the translated strings are too long?)

One issue I found is the string (#12695) representing the driving directions, I just copy-pasted it, but it looks weird in-game:
This is very problematic string... Spaces in this case should be calculated individually by language. Try to adjust spaces between slashes... or look this strings in other translations: Russian, German.
Also, all the commands of the vehicle menu (repair, remove, siphon etc.) are not shown, for some reason. (Maybe the translated strings are too long?)
Your guess is true. This menu is very sensitive to long strings and i guess nobody know how exactly is't works. Try to reduce strings length. String by string :/
Russian has reported the same problem. Adding this to the Git issue; thanks for reporting.
Will be fixed on Monday if nobody already fix than. There is _("") somewhere is code...

It’s OK on the argentinian translation. I’ve just copied it like it’s on the original string.

Transifex still gave me a bad formatting of that string.
Anyway, i fixed it by downloading the .po master file off transifex, properly formatting the string with a text editor, and uploading it. It is now displayed correctly.

Out of curiosity, it is needed to translate only the master file, and not the 0.A and 0.B ones, right?

0.A - old stable no need to translate. Will be removed after next stable release.
0.B - current stable. Becomes old-stable after next stable release. Choose translate or not.
master - latest. This should be translated first.

For the italian translater:

perdonatemi ragazzi se sono sparito ma ho avuto parecchi casini ma nei prossimi giorni dovrei riuscire a tornare attivo con le traduzioni :smiley: intanto ho visto il lavoro che avete fatto,siete stati grandiosi! ^^

Mi sono messo a tradurre anche io. OH, vogliamo far vedere ai tedeschi che pure noi spacchiamo?