I’m having serious trouble when driving. Increasing my screen resolution and increasing the viewport dimensions has helped, but mostly only with the height. There are ridiculously large black bars on each side of the “screen”.
I really need to be able to see more tiles in all directions to avoid crashing into things.
Is there a way?
If not this seems like something we should be changing in the game.
This is insane. The viewport width is set to the maximum of 93, yet it’s about half as wide as the viewport height, which is set to 43.
I have trouble with driving, too; a solution I use is to move the view around. I strongly recommend changing ‘Move View Offset’ (Option #5 in the Interface tab) to something like 10 (or just a little below your width/height) so you don’t off-center your view since the default is 1.
In any case, moving your view is, by default, the HJKL keys (capitalized; lowercase moves you around).
Are you on the windows version? If so check int he options for something called viewport height/width IIRC, and increase those; then restart and the game should be bigger. If you are on linux/mac then you just need to increase the size of your terminal when the game loads (which might require increasing the default size).
Windows version, and yes, that’s what I already tried adjusting. The settings don’t seem to work properly. Using 2560x1440 screen resolution, the height is set to 43, the width is set to 93.
So the width should be twice the height. Right?
It’s not. The height is much taller than the width.
The options don’t seem to truly reflect the viewport dimensions. I get a black bar at the left hand side, for one thing, wasting valuable space for no good reason.
I suggest doing as me and fiddling with the font file and setting it to 10x10, and try other fonts that better fill the square space. I recommend topaz-8. Gives me a perfect 50x50 height width in options in 1920x1080
[quote=“DG123, post:5, topic:4691”]Windows version, and yes, that’s what I already tried adjusting. The settings don’t seem to work properly. Using 2560x1440 screen resolution, the height is set to 43, the width is set to 93.
So the width should be twice the height. Right?
It’s not. The height is much taller than the width.
The options don’t seem to truly reflect the viewport dimensions. I get a black bar at the left hand side, for one thing, wasting valuable space for no good reason.[/quote]
The height is taller than the width because ASCII characters are not squares, they are rectangles.
Viewport width/height is measured in the size of your font, not your tileset. That’s why you can get funny stuff like a viewport with half-tiles at the right edge. Honestly, it’d make more sense to have an option for the width/height of the entire game screen, in multiples of the used font, since that’s how it works internally.
Since the tiles are only 10 pixels by 10 pixels your 43 width and 93 height will not take up as much screen space. 62% less if you go from a 16x16 down to a 10x10. This means you will be able to increase your height and width within your desktop since the space those numbers represent are smaller.
Another explanation: at 93x43 you are multiplying 16x16 or 93x16 = 1488 and 43x16 = 688 === or 1488x688 window
93x43 multiply 10x10 == 930x430 pixel window so you can see you can increase the number of tiles on this one since it will take up less pixel real estate, you lose some fidelity, though
For font to work you have to use the ASCII or ‘curses’ version that is just letters and numbers. Just turn off tiles.
You can open the image file and re-size it, but remember to change the ratio in the .json file and make whatever you want smaller yourself.
I gave up on this long ago, sadly. I can’t handle small fonts (I get crippling migraines), and my desktop resolution is like yours (2560x1440). A lot of non-standard fonts hurt my eyes/brain too.
So, if I use tiny fonts or tiles, I fry my brain.
If I use default font size or tile size and stretch my window, I get a crap display-window size that cuts off most of my character’s view area and can have funky black bars.
Therefore, I play with a small game-window and standard tiles, and use Windows “Magnifier” to blow it up, and just suffer with the “I can’t see what is going on too far around my character” thing. I can’t drive faster than maybe 30mph without knowing I’ll never swerve in time to miss oncoming things (or I’ll have to constantly readjust the screen with the capital HIJK options or whatever).
Same here. My car can go fast enough to destroy buildings, but I’m limited to crawling around at about 30mph because I have no bloody idea what I’m headed towards.
This is something that needs to be changed. BADLY.
[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:16, topic:4691”]OH MY GOD THAT FONT LOOKS AMAZING SERANIKAN
I edit the black and browns to make them much softer on the eyes, too used to Linux terminal colors to play otherwise. Sorry I missed where you said you are using a tileset, but that is where your issue is. Unless you manually re-size the entire tileset, each tile will take up a set amount of screen space. Either look for a smaller tileset for bigger FOV or switch to ASCII.
I’m afraid I still don’t understand the dimensions though.
Why are there black bars, and why can’t the maximum number of tiles be higher?
I have a huge screen. There’s WAY more space available for me to put in additional viewpoint width. But the game won’t let me due to the max dimensions being too small. This is ridiculous.
It seems I can make the tiles smaller (effectively) by changing my screen resolution. But it’s no use if I can’t increase the viewport width. I imagine the same problem would occur with a smaller tileset, but I’m not sure.