Is any way to remove the "fusion blaster arm" CBM?

My friend just install blaster arm, and now seem can’t get rid of this CBM carp, he try to remove this CBM

only get a message said "Removing your Fusion Blaster Arm would leave you with a useless stump

but useless or not, he just want remove this damn thing, even that means he will lost an arm

he try a lot way to remove this thing, like broken his arm or something, so someone just help with it please?

perhaps someone should add a option that uninstall will leave the PC arm health down to 0 or something?

Seems like he must cheat to remove this useless CBM.

Its not useless. One can craft a perfectly fine energy weapon from it.

Edit the savefile and remove the CBM

Kinda want to put a combat (custom) chainsaw on that stump…

I don’t know any way to get rid of it except for savefile editing. I think the way should be as follows: cut the arm, attend Mr. Stem and grow it back.