I will 'attempt' to make sprites for your spritesheets

Yes, while the large sprites are 48x60 (correct me if I’m wrong).
That’s what I’m trying to do. Large monster have large images… But I did is 64x64 (the concept is they are larger monsters)

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Ah, never considered that. You said you were trying to make a leviathin?

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Yes. It’s a monster found at the ocean depths.

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Were you asking me to make it for you?

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Yes please. I’ll show you the 64x64 concept sprite later… I’m currently unable to upload that

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Alright, I’ll get working on it.


Any recommendations on it’s design? Zombie, mottled, tentacles, etc? I’m currently going with a traditional large sea serpent.

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Well… I am trying to tell you about the design.Could you please wait for a bit time? I will upload the supposed outlooks of the leviathan I am thinking of :slight_smile:

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Alright, I’ll just make some conceptual designs as I wait.

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The face is not good… My color combination wasn’t fun to look at, so I need some guidance…


That’s the ugliest Gyrados I’ve ever seen.


Hehe, I knew it was a pokemon :smiley:

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Hm, a bit different from my concept design. XDNew%20Piskel


Oh sh!t! That was fast, bud!
But yeah, its a long, serpentine dragon. For CDDA twist, add 4 ear-like tentacle blades, 2 pairs of wingfins and a ferocious looking mouth :3

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Alrighty. Just need a little bit to make some modifications.

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While you make the deep sea monster, here’s the detailed monster info forked from a mod I’ve been working on:

        "//": "Leviathan, nearly the size of a kraken.",
        "id": "mon_dragon_leviathan",
        "type": "MONSTER",
        "name": "leviathan",
        "description": "A slender, serpentine dragon that dwells under the deep ocean. Four blade-tipped tentacle ears, tattered wingfins and vicious mouth aligned with serrated teeth are unique appearances, along with its scaly titanic body.",
        "default_faction": "waterdrag",
        "species": [ "DRAGON" ],
        "diff": 98,
        "size": "HUGE",
        "hp": 1825,
        "speed": 145,
        "material": [ "flesh" ],
        "symbol": "L",
        "attack_cost": 200,
        "color": "blue",
        "aggression": 100,
        "morale": 500,
        "melee_skill": 8,
        "melee_dice": 2,
        "melee_dice_sides": 4,
        "melee_cut": 4,
        "armor_bash": 11,
        "armor_cut": 16,
        "armor_stab": 18,
        "vision_day": 55,
        "vision_night": 8,
        "special_attacks": [
        [ "GRAB_DRAG", 5 ],
        [ "waterdraglevia_rangerailatk", 33 ],
        [ "waterdraglevia_rangepulseatk", 18 ],
        [ "waterdraglevia_crossblade", 37 ],
        [ "waterdraglevia_quickblade", 6 ],
            "type": "bite",
            "cooldown": 20,
            "damage_max_instance": [
                "damage_type": "stab",
                "amount": 9,
                "armor_penetration": 30
                "damage_type": "cut",
                "amount": 30,
                "armor_penetration": 16
            "no_infection_chance": 100
        "starting_ammo": { "waterdraglevia_all": 1000 },
        "path_settings": { "max_dist": 10 },
        "anger_triggers": [ "PLAYER_CLOSE", "HURT" ],
        "death_function": [ "NORMAL"],
        "//": "Fishable. Don't ask why."


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Will this work?New%20Piskel%20(1)


Noticed a few small details I messed up on. This is the better one.New%20Piskel%20(2)


It looks fantastic than before! Thanks, bud :smiley:

No problem. Glad you’re happy with it. :slight_smile:

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