I Know Kung Fu (but I don't know what that means)

So the wiki only has what is clearly outdated info regarding martial arts.
Crane Style kung fu has worked well for my character, but I have noticed recently that my now high level of unarmed combat has me showing new “effects” in my attributes. Effects: Crane’s Precision, Crane’s Flight.

I recall the precision, but not the flight. I still don’t exactly know what either of these means or does.

Can anyone help with regards to all the new martial arts stuff? I couldn’t find anything searching for these “Effects” in the forums or wiki.

[quote=“flaede, post:1, topic:6487”]So the wiki only has what is clearly outdated info regarding martial arts.
Crane Style kung fu has worked well for my character, but I have noticed recently that my now high level of unarmed combat has me showing new “effects” in my attributes. Effects: Crane’s Precision, Crane’s Flight.

I recall the precision, but not the flight. I still don’t exactly know what either of these means or does.

Can anyone help with regards to all the new martial arts stuff? I couldn’t find anything searching for these “Effects” in the forums or wiki.[/quote]

Those are buffs. Precision is a static buff (it’s always there) and IIRC it gives bonuses based on your Perception. Crane’s Flight is an on_move buff, and as that implies, grants bonuses for moving around.

[quote=“KA101, post:2, topic:6487”][quote=“flaede, post:1, topic:6487”]So the wiki only has what is clearly outdated info regarding martial arts.
Crane Style kung fu has worked well for my character, but I have noticed recently that my now high level of unarmed combat has me showing new “effects” in my attributes. Effects: Crane’s Precision, Crane’s Flight.

I recall the precision, but not the flight. I still don’t exactly know what either of these means or does.

Can anyone help with regards to all the new martial arts stuff? I couldn’t find anything searching for these “Effects” in the forums or wiki.[/quote]

Those are buffs. Precision is a static buff (it’s always there) and IIRC it gives bonuses based on your Perception. Crane’s Flight is an on_move buff, and as that implies, grants bonuses for moving around.[/quote]

Sweet! Now I know not to Stand Still And Take It.
Gotta keep moving.

[EDIT]: Now if only I knew what all these bionics I installed do. Most just seem like Molly Millions shout outs.

[EDIT]: That or Inspector Gadget

If I remember correctly, protective lenses makes you immune to flashbangs and glare. They might also give you resistance to getting blinded by being hit.

[quote=“flaede, post:3, topic:6487”][quote=“KA101, post:2, topic:6487”][quote=“flaede, post:1, topic:6487”]So the wiki only has what is clearly outdated info regarding martial arts.
Crane Style kung fu has worked well for my character, but I have noticed recently that my now high level of unarmed combat has me showing new “effects” in my attributes. Effects: Crane’s Precision, Crane’s Flight.

I recall the precision, but not the flight. I still don’t exactly know what either of these means or does.

Can anyone help with regards to all the new martial arts stuff? I couldn’t find anything searching for these “Effects” in the forums or wiki.[/quote]

Those are buffs. Precision is a static buff (it’s always there) and IIRC it gives bonuses based on your Perception. Crane’s Flight is an on_move buff, and as that implies, grants bonuses for moving around.[/quote]

Sweet! Now I know not to Stand Still And Take It.
Gotta keep moving.

[EDIT]: Now if only I knew what all these bionics I installed do. Most just seem like Molly Millions shout outs.

[EDIT]: That or Inspector Gadget[/quote]

Yeah, Toad Style is there for the folks who Stand Still And Take It. :wink:

Post a list and we’ll see what we can do!

If you open up the bionics menu (default 'p), you can hit ‘!’ and it switches to ‘examine’ mode, which gives you a short description on selecting a bionic rather than activating it.

Some of them aren’t in depth descriptions, so you can ask about one in particular if you need more information.

Aaaand then I lost my internets for a while.

Martial Arts I Have Learned:
Crane Style - thank you KA101 for explaining.
Zui Quan - I know it’s “drunken style” or somesuch, but do I need to drink to get benefit?
Ninjitsu - other than silent punching (more useful than expected) is there any use to this?
Taekwondo - …I have no idea what this does. It has the Effect of “Taekwondo” which is not really very descriptive.

CBMs : too many to count, but only a few confusing ones.

There are Protective Lenses, and also the “Anti Glare Compensators” - I think flashbangs, glare, and welding goggle-substitutes fall under that category. The Protective Lenses just say you have sealed eyeballs and cry tears out of your mouth now.

Other than Power Usage, it doesn’t say what the Power Armor Interface Mk I and II differences are.

Leukocyte Breeder - is this basically like taking a flu shot?

Expanded Digestive System is… not working as well as advertised (rotten food? never a good idea). I think it may also conflict with the Internal Furnace in deciding which gets the item in question, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be able to eat with it.

The others I think I’ve got.

[quote=“flaede, post:7, topic:6487”]Aaaand then I lost my internets for a while.

Martial Arts I Have Learned:
Crane Style - thank you KA101 for explaining.
Zui Quan - I know it’s “drunken style” or somesuch, but do I need to drink to get benefit?
Ninjitsu - other than silent punching (more useful than expected) is there any use to this?
Taekwondo - …I have no idea what this does. It has the Effect of “Taekwondo” which is not really very descriptive.

CBMs : too many to count, but only a few confusing ones.

There are Protective Lenses, and also the “Anti Glare Compensators” - I think flashbangs, glare, and welding goggle-substitutes fall under that category. The Protective Lenses just say you have sealed eyeballs and cry tears out of your mouth now.

Other than Power Usage, it doesn’t say what the Power Armor Interface Mk I and II differences are.

Leukocyte Breeder - is this basically like taking a flu shot?

Expanded Digestive System is… not working as well as advertised (rotten food? never a good idea). I think it may also conflict with the Internal Furnace in deciding which gets the item in question, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be able to eat with it.

The others I think I’ve got.[/quote]

Zhi Quan gives you up to 40 dodges per turn, IIRC at no penalty, once you land a hit on a hostile. It’s a good all-out defensive style.

Ninjutsu is mostly quiet, but gives bonuses to weapon damage when its “surprise attack” kicks in.

TKD gives some kicks but the main draw is that your blocks soak additional damage based on your ST. Before someone expanded the options available to No Style, TKD was one of the few ways to get leg blocks as well. Having all four limbs available to soak hits–and at significantly better rates–was a pretty nice bonus back in the day.

i think Mk 1 doesn’t work with the light/heavy powered armors. Not sure though. Leukocyte Breeder is better than a flu shot: it’s a smaller bonus, but IIRC the effects aren’t capped. Just give it a jolt if you’re at full power.

Expanded Digestion has a chance to fail, but it also gives additional nutrition from all food. More details on its interaction with Internal Furnace, if you’ve got them, should probably go over in the Garage. Might be a bug there.

Well that is a lot of helpful info! Thank you!

A final note - how effective is the Electroshock supposed to be? Because Shoggoth Killing just got waaay easier.

The main benefit of Expanded Digestive System is that all food gives more nutrition. Good synergy with Metabolic Interchange.
In the Experimental you need to turn your Internal Furnace on in the cybernetics menu, at which point everything you eat goes to the furnace until you turn it off again.

Perhaps it adds environment protection to eyes area? Which IIRC only mitigates “boomered” affect.