How to change sepia (brown) to old gray colors (tileset only, compile only)

If you, like me, find it frustrating that memorised (visited but not currently visible) area is now brown (Brown!? What a ridicu… unconventional choice of colour…), and if you, like me, dislike that, I’ve made a quick and dirty patch to change that.

This patch changes low-light tiles from being black-n-white to coloured-but-darker, and turns visited-but-not-visible (memorised) tiles to be black-n-white instead. I don’t have much time nor knowledge of C++ to make a proper mod and/or PR, and it is applicable for tileset build only.

I usually build my version of a game following this instruction:
Your steps may vary. In any case, if you wish to apply the patch, it should be done between steps 4 and 5:
4.1. In terminal, go to directory where you’ve cloned the sources to (ex.: cd /Applications/CataclysmBuild)
4.2. Save content of liked paste as, for example, “sepia-looks-awful.patch” in the abovementioned directory.
4.3. Type “git apply sepia-looks-awful.patch
Proceed with step 5.

Before this sepia thing is fixed/updated in any way, feel free to patch the game with this. I hope this hack will become obsolete as soon as possible.



Luckily you don’t need to submit a pull request since a togglable option was PR’d 3 days ago and is just awaiting merging.

Well, this one is a bit different, as the togglable option PR only gives you ability to have old behaviour back, while this patch also changes highlight colours for low-light and memorised tiles, swapping them. But, yeah, at least they’ve made a PR, which is great. I’m just surprised it wasn’t there from the start though - don’t have to be a genius to understand the controversy of such a change.

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I’m just surprised it wasn’t there from the start though - don’t have to be a genius to understand the controversy of such a change

Yeah those 3 days of delay on the experimental version surely almost killed the game. So silly of them.

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It was designed to be configurable in the future. Nobody should expect this configuration in the same PR.

Making a change in one PR and then making an option to turn it off in another PR… maybe we have a different understanding of a feature as a logical unit of work, then.


Such sarcasm, much awe.

Just read the original PR. It would be a tileset mod.