How I get this out? Any ideas?

I don’t think I can ram the doors and leave unscratched ;-;

An acetylene torch can destroy the doors.

You might want to try explosives with the far doors, and save some torch charges.

Wear a hazmat suit while doing it though, unless puking to death thanks to rad poisoning is your kind of thing

If you don’t mind damaging it a little you can do what I did. Ram the steel doors with the truck full throttle till you escape. Nothing can contain this truck!

But yeah. Torch is best bet or mine out the wall.

That “6” next to the doors isn’t a winch for the metal doors? Hnng I’m still unused to the ASCII mode. ;w;

Grayed out “6” is a broken console. Though that does give me an idea, could you build a winch to raise those large sets of metal doors?

Oh derp. Never tried building winchs or pulleys. Would be worth a shot.

I dont think so, im almost absolutely sure that winches only work when the walls are normal/concrete, don’t ask me why.

Pulley only works with palisade gates/walls

I can’t recall if you can even build winches anyway, lemme check.

EDIT: Doesn’t look like it.

Ramming the doors if that’s an APC is a valid option. It should have a heavy roof, which can take a LOT of damage.

Not sure what you have that you can build. Jack Hammer can dig walls. Does not take much to build if you don’t have one.

Ofc demolition is always a !!FUN!! option, set a fire to a wall and stand in the doorframe to the opposite end waiting for the for a structural failure

But just how did you end up in there heh

It’s a Toxic Waste Sarcophagus, concrete walls mean fire is a no go. Plus he wants to get that relatively intact Military Truck free, so high explosives are out too. You can’t build winches, and pulley’s won’t work. I’d say the fastest/most energy efficient way would be getting an Acetylene Torch and just cutting through those doors.

Oh come on. Just go ahead and calculate where to put HE so it will destroy the obstacle and not hit the truck. I don’t get you, guys, asking others not to propose using explosives. As far as I recall metal doors don’t support roof and are free to be destroyed. Even if he damaged that truck, it’s a fucking MILITARY-GRADE TRUCK, it wouldn’t get a lot of damage. In fact all you’d get is few scratches.

Explosives are to Cataclysm what magma is to Dwarf Fortress.

Explosives are to Cataclysm what magma is to Dwarf Fortress.
Missile silo's nuke is too weak. It should OBLITERATE at least a map screen range, not just puny 5x5 square of map tiles.

Implying you can’t make a bigger boom with enough full external tanks and some well-placed tinder. owo

Jackhammer the walls down. Or creatively, take out the car piece by piece, and rebuild it outside.

Dynamite, and its 3x3 blast radius, is your friend. Set it one tile away from the door section you need to destroy. At least I think dynamite has a 3x3 blast. Pretty sure it does, and C4 has a 5x5…of course I could be wrong. But it’s worth a shot, I know I’ve always used it for controlled breaching in bunkers/labs.