How did you last die?

My most promising character, who somehow survived the “Really Bad Day” scenario to find an LMOE shelter a little bit away from the town, next to a river full of fish and an armoured car just waiting on the bridge, with some basic bionics and lots of knowledge from skill books from raiding a library and a lab, came to a very unfortunate end.

Having just made a control laptop, I decided to take it out to a Military Outpost and use it on the turrets, which I must say, that thing is damn amazing. After the turrets killed each-other and the zombies, I looted the Outpost, found a bunch of Military ID cards. Took the ID cards to a nearby Military Bunker. Entered the Bunker. Saved the game because my battery was getting low. Unlocked all the doors downstairs and hoarded all the items. Was about to leave. Snap, laptop battery died. Thought it was no big deal because I just saved. I loaded the game back up, I get a bunch of error messages in the corner. Next thing I know, it’s spawned me in the game, exactly where I had saved my location… But for some reason, I was completely surrounded by stone. I checked the map, the entire left half of my screen was apparently “undiscovered” which included the location of my LMOE base. I used the debug function to both teleport out and use the “fill map” function, to find… Nothing. Everything on the left half of my map had completely vanished. And I don’t mean as in the world generated things differently either, I mean there was nothing except miles of dirt.

No food, no water, all my hoarded items in my base, books, guns, weapons, mods, bionics, mutagens, my awesome vehicle with 2 V12 engines in the boot, gone…

I did the only thing I could do, pulled all the pins on the grenades I just looted from the bunker and activated all the explosives. I died a little on the inside. Okay I lie, I died a lot on the inside, to the point I’m thinking of taking a break from the game, come back to it another time.

The surrounded by stone part happened to someone else so take heart.

i had something like this looo…ooong time ago but in missle silo

I met an NPC and ordered him to drop his weapon. He complied, leaving me with a rather nice basic flamethrower. Few tiles west and the map shows presence of triffids and vine beasts. Ho, ho, ho. That was very, very fun until I made the mistake of charging at the triffid standing on the adjacent to me tile. It literally backfired. I managed to make a half-dozen of steps before dying.

I really want another run-in with the flamethrower.

Got 360 no-scoped by a chicken walker shooting grenades at me as I zoomed past going 80 mph on my motorcycle. It genned a new tile and the map-gen decided a chicken walker in the middle of some barricades was just what I needed.

Got a quest from an NPC to wipe out ‘something terrible that killed my friend last night’. It turned out that was a bloody jabberwock. So full (or, rather, fool) of myself, I tried to put it out of its misery… with my switchblade. Well, guess who got his arse beaten (or bitten?).

Just out of curiosity: could I kill it with AK?

I was bored, so I wanted to give diving from a moving vehicle a try. The dive was fine, but the RV decided to run me over and kill me.

[quote=“BigLie, post:726, topic:339”]Got a quest from an NPC to wipe out ‘something terrible that killed my friend last night’. It turned out that was a bloody jabberwock. So full (or, rather, fool) of myself, I tried to put it out of its misery… with my switchblade. Well, guess who got his arse beaten (or bitten?).

Just out of curiosity: could I kill it with AK?[/quote]

Probs not now.

LOL thats actually kind of cool…well you know what I mean the death sucked but they way you died is pretty cool :).

So it was actually sat inside your car waiting for you LOL?[/quote]

I was next to a forest, it must’ve creeped up on my car while I was repeatedly driving over zombies. Solar cars are great.

I started as an unwilling mutant in the locked-in-the-lab-scenario-thingy, spawned 2 spots away from a turret and the last thing I heard before being mercilessly gunned down was: [shadow=red,left]I was once a man. A MAN![/shadow]

[quote=“BigLie, post:726, topic:339”]Got a quest from an NPC to wipe out ‘something terrible that killed my friend last night’. It turned out that was a bloody jabberwock. So full (or, rather, fool) of myself, I tried to put it out of its misery… with my switchblade. Well, guess who got his arse beaten (or bitten?).

Just out of curiosity: could I kill it with AK?[/quote] One burst of an M4A1 at point blank is enough to kill a jabberwock, as long as all those shots hit.

Spawn. Step out of my evacuation shelter to begin gathering rocks, wood, etc (hooray for woods). Some nice stuff in the basement, backpack, trenchcoat, some cans of soup (yay!). Harvesting resources, notice an ameobic mold. Oh it’s not hostile, I’ll be fine. Go back to my shelter and get some string to make a knife from the window…there’s a mi-go. From the south you hear a child wailing! That’s fine, I’ll just run like hell now…From the north you hear Tekeli-li!

I spawned between two portals. My face was eaten by a shoggoth less than 3 hours into the first day.

I love this game sometimes.

Spawned, found nice basement full of useful items. Crashed. Tried again, shelter’s basement was replaced by a rift, died almost instantly. Sweet jesus.

I died because I decided that the NPC that wandered close to me wasn’t going to get the gun I dropped when he asked me to. The real kicker is that I forgot to check what weapon he had. Long story short, flamethrowers are scary.

TL;DR Don’t mess with NPCs with flamethrowers.

ran into a mine that was close to my shelter even though i started of with per12 . perhaps there have been some changes recently to trap detection? oneshot bya mine thats a rare one … shrapnell to theface … at least it was entertaining.

Apparently either I need to go back to playing dynamic spawn mode, or hordes make it impossible.

I started a new world and character. Check the map, five different blinking Zes within a ten-square radius.

“OKAY I’ll jus read this random book or something until its closer to dark.”

Midafternoon I check again. All gone from my map! Sweet! I’ll jus pop outside and—

No less than 2 tough zombies, a spitter, boomer, five regular zeds, a hunter, a couple dogs and god knows what else within my sight radius. No horde marker on the map, but…

And I couldn’t out-run them to the damn forest nearby or anything. Just insta-dead.

There is ‘tough’ then there is ‘unfair’ then there is ‘what the hell is the damn’d point’. :expressionless:

…That’s it? Grab your two by four and stand behind that bush…

@Funsize: Have you played one of the more recent builds? A starting character simply can’t fight more than two zombies, even when the zombies are on difficult terrain, without taking serious damage. 3 regular zombies is practically suicide, unless you start with combat skills, or can channel them so you are attacking them one at a time; and more is unbeatable unless you are using some OP martial arts.

@Sunflash: I realised that as well. Currently, the only way to survive without combat skills (or with weak combat skills) is to become completely nocturnal. My starting moves (which do me quite well) are:

‘e’ the windows, opting to ‘peek’ through the blinds. Manually check for nearby hostile creatures (dogs, wolves, mooses/moose/meese, zombies, etc.).

Go outside through the path of least resistance, grab 2 rocks. Run inside, closing the doors.

Wielding the rocks, smash the locker. Craft a makeshift crowbar from a pipe.

Explore the basement. Grab special loot. Some loot can make you skip some steps … use your common sense from here on out.

Wielding the makeshift crowbar, smash two counters.

‘e’ the closed window, opting to ‘tear down the curtain’.

Disassemble the dropped long string into 6 small strings

Build a Stone Hammer

Build a Stone Knife (in that order!)

Immediately ‘*’ 'B’arricade Window so roaming zombies can’t see you during the day

Use the knife on the dropped sheet to make rags

Either craft a wooden needle (requires high fabrication and tailoring, I think), or kill a dog with the makeshift crowbar (expect to take some significant damage), butcher it for a bone, and create a bone needle

Disassemble a rag

Craft hand wraps, and then grind tailoring by trying (and probably failing) to reinforce it. By noon / late-afternoon, you should be able to make a backpack, cargo pants, and a trenchcoat, and have reinforced all of your gear.

For the foreseeable future, only go outside of the shelter at night. Be a coward. Cowards live longer. Don’t fight fair, because people who fight fair die. Learn what creatures are fast (and thus, have to be killed), and what creatures are slow (and thus, can be evaded). Kill things one-on-one. If you find a torch/flashlight, turn it on, and then immediately turn it off to evade hulks and the like. If you don’t and you hear something, stop, and see if it comes to you. If you go to the noise, then when you start fighting, other zombies might decide to meander over to see what all of the fuss is about, and it won’t be a one-on-one fight.

Eventually (theoretically) you can craft survivor armour (although I haven’t got that far) and your melee skill should be good enough that you can take on any foe one-on-one. Maybe, after a long time, you can live in the light, but for now, get used to the night.

When roaming around at night though i wind up getting eaten by zombies cause i bump into them alot

Ah… well, in that case, keep of the city roads, and navigate the city by going between buildings, as city roads are chock-full of zombies. Head home and sleep if you are in extreme pain, or your torso or head is seriously damaged (less than, but NOT equal to two bars is my general rule-of-thumb, but I am not that great, so I tend to be a little over-cautious). Prioritize a helmet, as your reinforced trenchcoat should keep your torso reasonably safe. Also, don’t be too frustrated if, after following these rules, only get to loot one or two buildings on your first night. You can go quite a while without food or water, and you can boil water by taking some toilet water, finding an empty tin can, and boiling it in the far corner of your underground basement. That said, if you are famished or dehydrated, your combat stats take a sharp nose-dive, so you want to be even more cowardly than normal.

And with the trenchcoat/backpack/cargo pants combo, you should have 0 encumberance on all slots, except for 1 torso encumberance. Keep it that way (although head encumberance, if you find a helmet of some form, is OK)

Anyway, that is all the help I will give, as this the ‘how you DIED’ thread, not the ‘how to SURVIVE’ thread.