My most promising character, who somehow survived the “Really Bad Day” scenario to find an LMOE shelter a little bit away from the town, next to a river full of fish and an armoured car just waiting on the bridge, with some basic bionics and lots of knowledge from skill books from raiding a library and a lab, came to a very unfortunate end.
Having just made a control laptop, I decided to take it out to a Military Outpost and use it on the turrets, which I must say, that thing is damn amazing. After the turrets killed each-other and the zombies, I looted the Outpost, found a bunch of Military ID cards. Took the ID cards to a nearby Military Bunker. Entered the Bunker. Saved the game because my battery was getting low. Unlocked all the doors downstairs and hoarded all the items. Was about to leave. Snap, laptop battery died. Thought it was no big deal because I just saved. I loaded the game back up, I get a bunch of error messages in the corner. Next thing I know, it’s spawned me in the game, exactly where I had saved my location… But for some reason, I was completely surrounded by stone. I checked the map, the entire left half of my screen was apparently “undiscovered” which included the location of my LMOE base. I used the debug function to both teleport out and use the “fill map” function, to find… Nothing. Everything on the left half of my map had completely vanished. And I don’t mean as in the world generated things differently either, I mean there was nothing except miles of dirt.
No food, no water, all my hoarded items in my base, books, guns, weapons, mods, bionics, mutagens, my awesome vehicle with 2 V12 engines in the boot, gone…
I did the only thing I could do, pulled all the pins on the grenades I just looted from the bunker and activated all the explosives. I died a little on the inside. Okay I lie, I died a lot on the inside, to the point I’m thinking of taking a break from the game, come back to it another time.