
Correction, Reaper isn’t interested in fixing the code.

Fixing means send light signal to horde from ALL light sources (includes lava, console, shoker etc). Everyone understands the consequences, I think. I don’t want be responsible for such shit.
I solved the problem with the slowdown if the house burns. I limit out light signals to 10. But lager count of light signals inside (more that 30) - it’s problem (once in 10 turns), but i see it very rare.

Yes, treating all light sources equally to be fair to the player is a necessity, as is not signalling every zombie group for every light source, and yes, following the coding style of the project. It also doesn’t help when you call features you don’t agree with “shit”.

"I limit out light signals to 10."
I don’t see any such limitation, I assume you never pushed it, but which 10 would that be, the first 10 encountered, which means the ones furthest north? Or a random 10, meaning the strongest light source could be ignored? And that still causes a noticeable slowdown sometimes? That doesn’t fix the problem.

Yes, treating all light sources equally to be fair to the player is a necessity, as is not signalling every zombie group for every light source, and yes, following the coding style of the project. It also doesn’t help when you call features you don’t agree with “shit”.

walk near lava/console/shocker → get attention of hordes → die. I think it shit. Not good gameplay. Because you can’t avoid it sometime.

I don’t see any such limitation

see it.

In any case some slowdown better that permadeath from hordes, i think.

Like I said, you never pushed it to your PR, so I never saw it.

As expected, it only counts the first 10 light sources, so place 10 weak light sources on the north side of the map and you will magically never attract a horde from light no matter what you do. That’s the same bug I pointed out in the first place, and you still haven’t addressed it, and now you have occasional slowdown to boot.

it only counts the first 10 light sources
Not first. 10 light sources, sends signal to overmap. You may have 50 sources and only 7 send signal. In this case code will counts all 50.

so place 10 weak light sources on the north side of the map

10 ANY power light sources (file/player/items/vehs) on ANY side of the map will send signal to hordes because it close to side of the map.

and now you have occasional slowdown to boot.

If you not burn much houses - all ok.

Also, you forget that your way is not good, because it’s way to permadeath from horde if you found lava at night somewhere near you new base.
If you have struct like

int source_power;
enum source_type;

i may be do it. But you want horde-permadeath-from-lava. Do it. I don’t care about it.
Also you get same problem with slowdown if you have many strong light sources INSIDE building (burning house): get stronges, not visible, next, also, next … …, visible, send signal, go out. This is not a solution.
If count of light sources < 10-20 there is NO slowdowns and your method not needed for it.
So you not have really good solution for this problem, but you think, that you way better. Bravo.

If it wouldn’t be lava, it would be any number of other things. Permadeath-by-horde does not need to happen if the player is both careful and prepared. And when it does happen… well, this is Cataclysm, and it’s a roguelike - it’s to be expected.

I think it’s better to have the feature implemented at all for the moment, and argue which way results in more deaths when we can actually get some gameplay testing data on it.


You think we develop cataclysm? It’s mistake. I write code it 2-3 day. Two last weeks i argue. I’m not coder, i disputer.
And I no longer have any desire to prove anything or write code.

[quote=“Reaper, post:47, topic:5444”]>argue

You think we develop cataclysm? It’s mistake. I write code it 2-3 day. Two last weeks i argue. I’m not coder, i disputer.
And I no longer have any desire to prove anything or write code.[/quote]Well then, that’s unfortunate. Can you at least make your code public domain (or whatever the term for letting others use it is), so that someone else can pick up where you left off? I was hoping to use your horde formation and movement principles as the start for an overmap weather mechanic.

I believe his code is public domain since it was submitted to Cata repo, the fact that it didn’t get merged doesn’t count :slight_smile:

Can you at least make your code public domain
I believe his code is public domain

All code in https://github.com/Reaper42/Cataclysm-DDA/tree/hordes
Of course you may take it and do what you want. And show you progress…

I don’t want to be a downer, but after a few pretty minor submissions to the main trunk I’ll say I more-or-less agree with Reaper. Knowing that everything I submit will be picked over and likely rejected several times (or entirely for ideological reasons) has discouraged me from submitting (or even working on, in some cases) modifications that I make to my local build. The ramp-up investment to start contributing to this project is daunting for a free-time activity, and finally getting almost everything sorted out just to get a reply that your tabs are wrong or one of the other many gotchas is a pretty mediocre experience, particularly when it drags out. It’s also discouraging after walking through a good chunk of the source and seeing all sorts of really, really bad code. Obviously the idea is for things to get better over time, but it’s tough to set the bar so high when the evidence points at things going a bit differently in the past.

That said, the main developers seem to be pretty thorough and cautious, which is definitely a good thing. I certainly appreciate a good review.

Anyways, figured since I think I understand at least part of where Reaper is coming from I should comment.

I think this centres round a lack of guidelines and project direction. One thing, (which I’ve been requesting for ages) is for the creation of a to-do list of what needs to be done and what will definitely be accepted - this seems to be coming along well in the drawing board topic of ‘needful things’ and I hope that we eventually get that fleshed out into a proper list of dev approved things.
This could be further helped with some coding/contribution guidelines of how contributions need to be set out, coding conventions and so on, so no one is confused.

Furthermore, while I don’t think we can really argue about stuff being picked over on an open source project, there does need to be a better atmosphere of collaboration and general welcoming , rather than ‘no I hate that’ or ‘no your code is wrong’ which seems to be commonplace on the github.

I know exactly what you’re talking about. Coding is like writing a story for an anthology. Only, there’s one guy in charge of everything, and the guy acts like Harlan Ellison on crank. Now, Ellison is a good writer, but not the end all be all. And he’s not the type of person to be cool about it either. He’s pretty high strung.

It makes a person not want to write, or code, or whatever the hell this metaphor was about.

The downsides of a community coding project.

And the upward slope is, at least until you guys can talk it out, a possibility of a separate fork on git?
I know the project’s getting more and more ambitious - but it’s still for fun. Every change to the the current version of CataDDA I’m playing at the time was never meant to be serious; sometimes I’d forget I did this or that to that specific copy on my hard drive. Anyone can work on the mainline and respect the decisions of a few; but few can organize their ideas to fit into mainline because they suit everyone. (!)

Updated. Now hordes may track you. Also hordes become small but more of them. Player leave tracks on overmap. They removes by rain.

Допилил орды. Они стали меньше, но их теперь больше. Игрок теперь оставляет следы и орды могут идти по следу. Следы смываются дождём.

[quote=“Reaper, post:56, topic:5444”]Updated. Now hordes may track you. Also hordes become small but more of them. Player leave tracks on overmap. They removes by rain.

Допилил орды. Они стали меньше, но их теперь больше. Игрок теперь оставляет следы и орды могут идти по следу. Следы смываются дождём.

Sounds really interesting.

I get my first zombie siege.

Thats alot of pit traps.

Yes. I kill them all because i have not very much Z. Need fix spawn code and move hordes between overmaps.