Travels of hordes

In one nice day horde may understand, what it is so boring here and go travel over roads. They can set a picnic, if see a single building. Nobody will sleep sweet.
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I have absolutely no idea what you just said.

They were suggesting that hordes could have increased range of movement on the overmap.

Ok. I have some code. But hordes don’t travel over roads while. But travel from city to city, player leave scent track and horde can go to it. Scent track removes in dependents from weather, but hordes can keep direction. Also I add button “move hordes” for debug and add some info. If someone want code I can make PR.

I’m in the middle of a complete overhaul of how hordes act on the overmap. Once that works properly it’s going to completely replace the existing hordes system.

Ooh. Any chance wandering hordes end up being default? Static spawn is way too static. Plus you could make some sort of macro-migration mechanic wherein zombies from further outside the map wander in and across the landscape, so that no area is ever safe forever, kinda like Don’t Starve forces you to keep on your toes with new dangers as time passes.

Currently having just one or two zombies wander in randomly off the sides of the screen is more an inconvenience than anything, even if it’s a Hulk (given I have stuff around), and z-levels means living in a basement makes you invincible. I look forward to the overhauls! It feels kind of cheesy to have legitimately safe places in such high abundance.

Wait Kenvin’s code. Or custom builds. Or build from this branch GitHub - Crutchmaster/Cataclysm-DDA at cataclysm-reborn


Gonna get better horde mechanics. Perhaps one of my biggest gripes about the game is how spawns happen.

Pretty much what drove me away last time I’d picked up DDA. Glad to see development progressing. :slight_smile:

i may be the only one, but i find early game horde madness very fun. esp when they camp around my looting targets :slight_smile:
Actually it it what keeps me re-playing as i get bored and don’t know what to do after i skill up, tech up, have a mobile base and loot some labs…

Me too – but hopefully more aggressive hordes (or perhaps, hordes which become more aggressive as time passes?) can introduce an element of base defence into the game. Finally, a reason to dig a pit…

Hordes are annoying. You know what hordes mean?

Hordes mean that if I perform my early game well, I see trickles of zombies come in. Why trickles? Because I kill them fast enough so that they dont accumulate.

Each zombie runs in at their own base speed. I usually have chokepoint or fire, especially in early game where I dont otherweise have the skills to dispatch mass hordes. Or even a skeleton. Fire does that.

So all the zombies spawned statically run in. Then, new ones suddenly spawn and run to me. The comabt makes noise and then all of a sudden what was originally a simple matter of killing 20 zombies is now a 100 zombie burning man rave.

= = = = =

I hate it. Maybe hate is too strong, but nothing pisses me off like having assessed my situation properly just for the game to be a dick and suprise me with suddenly 5 - 10 times the zombies I originally saw and planned for. I like diffiiculty, but not for the sake of it.

Zombie hordes should travel more organically. They should have set speeds and distinct locations (and approx sizes). They shoudl have to travel to you, and in some case should despawn in order to travel again.

I will say the sporadic amass of zombie hordes makes sense if you have NPCs on, and they’re everywhere.

Zombie hordes should travel more organically. They should have set speeds and distinct locations (and approx sizes). They shoudl have to travel to you, and in some case should despawn in order to travel again.
This is what im working on. However if yoy make a lot if noise while fighting (guns and explosions, not melee), that will continue to attract hordes.