Hope I don't get pulped

I believe I asked about this on Whalesdev, but could there be CBMs that duplicate some of the more mundane tools? A tailoring needle finger? A built in MP3 player or radio? Mebbe a hacksaw hand?
I do think our hands would all look like the Mask’s when he pulls out his cartoon gun, but that doesn’t make it bad.

Well, for starters you really can’t have a needle for a finger for sewing. Your hands gets in the way. Radio and hacksaw hand seems like something a worker might use, but then again the CBMs were pretty much only for rich people.

At least, that’s how I think it was.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:2, topic:4918”]Well, for starters you really can’t have a needle for a finger for sewing. Your hands gets in the way. Radio and hacksaw hand seems like something a worker might use, but then again the CBMs were pretty much only for rich people.

At least, that’s how I think it was.[/quote]coughfingerpickcough

Well, no, Hunter, the thing is with sewing is that the needle goes through what it’s sewing. Unless you can fit your entire hand through a hole the size of a pin… it’s not gonna happen.

The fingerpick is for picking locks.

[quote=“kilozombie, post:4, topic:4918”]Well, no, Hunter, the thing is with sewing is that the needle goes through what it’s sewing. Unless you can fit your entire hand through a hole the size of a pin… it’s not gonna happen.[/quote]oh right duh lol hadn’t even thought of that.

Maybe you unscrew the tip of your finger and its full of useful little tools.

now that is an idea!

Maybe I lop off my arm and have food for a week.

What is your point?

Maybe I lop off my arm and have food for a week.

What is your point?[/quote]he was just trying to suggest how a CBM could include a sewing needle.

Internal toolset should have a needle.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:11, topic:4918”]Internal toolset should have a needle.[/quote]yeah you’d think CBM: Integrated Toolset would have one but it doesn’t.

I could see having a built in radio/MP3/clock CBM thing. Not too sure about the sewing needle thing though, the mechanics of that seem like it would be a little strange since the needle would need to be attached to your body somehow (as opposed to just being stored in it, which would be the internal storage CBM).

I like the radio/mp3/clock idea.

I like the radio/mp3/clock idea.[/quote]

I also agree with an integrated communications package. Radio, clock, mp3 (just cause) and maybe even a weather forecaster?

Devil’s advocate, you could have a sewing machine finger, they operate differently from sewing by hand with a needle.
On the other hand I don’t see rolling it into a integrated toolkit, seems rather specialized.
No problem having it seperately though.

What about an internal UPS while we are at it? I remember the idea being thrown in the past, should be a pretty rare thinng however

Maybe that should replace the existing Power Armor Interface - it seems a little redundant.