Hazmat Suit integrity?

Will damaged hazmat suit start sinking radiation in? I have an artifact which is called ‘glowing crystal’, it’s “+2 to all Stats” and it’s also radioactive because it says “your skin prickles with radiation”. I’ve finally found a hazmat suit to use this artifact. Now I’m trying to read a book for a few hours and all my stats get significant penalties. The hazmat suit is in the following condition:

Yes, it’s definitely leaking. I debugged in Internal Dosimeter and it showed nasty progression. When I started retching there was no dosimeter needed to understand the obvious.


[quote=“Lesseps, post:2, topic:12205”]Yes, it’s definitely leaking. I debugged in Internal Dosimeter and it showed nasty progression. When I started retching there was no dosimeter needed to understand the obvious.


That, or the hazmat suit doesn’t protect you from radioactive things in your inventory… if you fix your hazmat suit (or debug in a new one, for testing purposes) and it still irradiates you, that’s probably it. Never tested it myself.

Normally damaged items don’t protect 100% anymore, so I would not be surprised if this was implemented for rad protection as well.

I once debugged an atomic nightlight in an abandoned in hospital scenario, it irradiated me…i don’t know if that’s intended or not because most of my games i’ve already mutated radiogenic so i don’t even notice radioactive stuff.

Usually Atomic lamps/nightlights only emit radiation if it is damaged.

Plutonium cells, atomic nightlight/lamp/coffeemaker, and mininukes all change to a green text color when damaged to indicate that they are leaking radiation.

Mininuke hacks may do so as well, but I’ve never messed with them enough to know. Can’t think of anything else that does so… damaged minireactor that has plutonium in it, maybe?

Craters, hazardous waste sarcophagus, nuclear power plants, missile silos, damaged nuclear reactors, etc. all emit radiation, best avoid these places unless you repair that hazmat suit. Also the best armor imo for tackling these areas is an ANBC suit.