Harvesting Crops - Am I missing something or is it bugged?

I’m currently playing the exp version 8ceae11 and have been messing around with farming. I’ve got a field full of “mature plants” of various types but can’t seem to harvest them. The wiki indicates that I should just be able to examine them and get a Harvest Y/N dialog - but I haven’t seen this yet. Winter is coming on so any advice would be appreciated (I also have a sickle in my inventory just in case). Thanks!

Nevermind - didn’t know there was a fourth stage “harvestable plant”. I’m really enjoying the depth of the food crafting system!


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Dunno if this was necro’d, but was glad to see it. It a) reminded me that farming is “a thing” and b) taught me that their are stages of plant growth that I should anticipate.

Fantastic post and follow up by OP!

[quote=“dotASC, post:8, topic:6610”]OUTSIDER TIP:

Dunno if this was necro’d, but was glad to see it. It a) reminded me that farming is “a thing” and b) taught me that their are stages of plant growth that I should anticipate.

Fantastic post and follow up by OP![/quote]

I’m part of something yay!!!