Hand Encumbrance

I feel that the penalties for hand encumbrance are way to weak.

I am now running around with 2 shopping bags while wielding a curved bow at the same time with no drawbacks other then reloading?

I see in the text that hand encumbrance only effect DEX at throwing and reload time of fire arms , this is to little I feel.

I did not try it but I think its possible to wield a sniper riffle with boxing gloves and have no penalty other then reload time…

I always thought it included the reload time of bows too.

Maybe high hand encumbrance should make it impossible to use pistols, rifles and bows?

Maybe the idea behind shopping bags is that you can easily can put them down and therefore the penalties are as they are?

Still you get a throwing penalty.

Best solution , a shopping bag should be wield and not be worn but that is most likely not possible due coding.

What about finger encumbrance? Once you get to around mitten level, crafting that needs fingers becomes a lot harder, as does shooting guns.

Hand encumbrance is essentially finger encumbrance.

Penalizing crafting is pointless, because we can just assume the survivor will automatically take off everything before crafting and put it back on after.

Yeah, I don’t like the idea of encumbrance factoring into crafting times, I like to think it’s abstracted to where the survivor briefly takes off anything that interferes too much.

Hand encumbrance could effect lockpicking chances. I think it’d be realistic if hand encumbrance effected the time it takes to pull things from your inventory. Either you’re digging around in your rucksack = and not being able to feel what your looking for, or accounting that the survivor is briefly pulling off their mittens to get into their pockets.

Not sure how it’d be coded, butany penalty should only apply to smaller objects. Wearing mittens shouldnt effect the time of a multidrop of pipes or two by fours

I think it can work and can add gameplay , In RL cold really limit crafting abilities due your hands getting to cold to do difficult tasks.

If some crafting needs Zero or Low Hand Encumbrance AND does a check on how warm your hands are will make a lot off unrealistic situations that are now possible impossible.

Still… Hand Encumbrance should have more penalties then only throwing and reload speed, especially with a item as shopping bags ( as those only Encumbrance your hands ) are in game.

…it makes implicit behavior of survivor taking off their gloves to craft, if needed, explicit, contributing to needless tedium.

That, or having cold hands progressively slow down crafting, would be nice.

Yeah I’d be OK with it slowing down crafting a little bit, but making it so you have to manually take off your gloves and stoke the fire every time you need to craft anything would be really tedious.

I’m in favor of making hand encumbrance severely screw up ranged accuracy and affect melee performance too: dual-bindles should stop you from fighting effectively.

https://ericmurtaugh.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/hobo_bindle.jpg Realistically, bindles should be wielded. I propose a new martial art, hobo fu. The only function of hobo fu is to decrease the swing speed of bindles and/or allow dual wielding bindles. Bindles are now a bashing weapon which function like mbr vests. Weight of inserted item increases damage by some amount while also increasing swing speed and decreasing available volume.

B-but all that free storage…

But then glove accuracy should be somehow separated from it. Wearing plate gloves shouldn’t make wielding a fire axe harder.

…it makes implicit behavior of survivor taking off their gloves to craft, if needed, explicit, contributing to needless tedium.

That, or having cold hands progressively slow down crafting, would be nice.[/quote]
Don’t make it explicit then, if you can’t perform the action without taking the gloves off, you take them off automatically for the duration of the craft, that is their warmth bonus is nullified. With appropriate messages so people know why their hands are freezing of course.

But then glove accuracy should be somehow separated from it. Wearing plate gloves shouldn’t make wielding a fire axe harder.[/quote]

It should’nt make it harder to swing the axe, but it should make it easier to have said axe slip from your grip or be knocked out of your grip.

Cant tell you how many times i’ve had an axe jump out of my hands when wearing Mitts, so now its bare hands or thinner gloves with palm grips. You want to be able to have a firm hold of the thing or you’re gonna have an accident. And axe accidents are usually crippling…

[quote=“Sundaysmile, post:16, topic:8784”]It should’nt make it harder to swing the axe, but it should make it easier to have said axe slip from your grip or be knocked out of your grip.

Cant tell you how many times i’ve had an axe jump out of my hands when wearing Mitts, so now its bare hands or thinner gloves with palm grips. You want to be able to have a firm hold of the thing or you’re gonna have an accident. And axe accidents are usually crippling…[/quote]
Make weapon slipping/getting stuck display in BRIGHT RED in the log like some eye hits are first. Weapon getting stuck is an incredibly annoying and crappy mechanic until then and should apply to no more weapons than now.

Also, it’s leather steel-plated gloves, so it should slip no more than with normal gloves.

My main concern is that you get 40+ storage for no real drawbacks, it feels like cheating.

It more or less is, however, it’s player’s personal choice to utilize (or not utilize) the exploit/minmaxing of arm and hand encumbrance not affecting melee at all.