Good time to update tilesets!

We’ve frozen additions of new features and text strings in preparation for the 0.B release. This is so tileset artists and translators have a few days to catch up. If you’re in those groups, now’s a great time to throw up updates, and we’ll get 'em merged in time for the new stable 0.B.

Was expecting the next release to hit Christmas holidays. So what’s the deadline?

Tonight is unlikely but not yet ruled out. Probably this coming Friday.

I should be able to have RetroDays ready in the next few hours, hopefully. Sounds like that would be cutting it close if it’s tonight though (Eastern USA time, is it?).

Kevin bumped it to Friday, as expected. You have some time, and thanks.

I will try, but i seriously doubt i can make it, having an early state in my project. Maybe with enough effort!

Okay, cool. I think I’ll try to get it done today anyway, to get it out of the way.

The answer to this question is and will always be “never”. I do this for fun, and deal with plenty of stress in my life without adding to it by adding arbitrary deadlines. Any date I give out will always be an estimate, not a deadline.

The answer to this question is and will always be “never”. I do this for fun, and deal with plenty of stress in my life without adding to it by adding arbitrary deadlines. Any date I give out will always be an estimate, not a deadline.[/quote]
The same applies to my contribution here. I don’t want it to become stressful. The day this fun side project becomes routine to me will be the day it’s gotten rid of.

Anyway, excuse my bad choice of words. ‘Deadline’ on itself sounds like some grizzle-inducing editorial office crap. My mistake is that I did not follow discussions concerning the development at all, thinking the stable version was something that happens eventually at the end of the year. To be honest, the tileset I am updating is still far from ready in my view. On one hand, having a fresh “Tsu’s” in 0.B is something I was counting on that right from the start. But rushing it now and seing what kind of a shipwreck I’ll end up with is not worth a shot. Barely a loss with two great complementary up-to-date tilesets we already have.

Sorry for the snappy reply, I should have realized it wasn’t intended the way I originally took it.

Anyway, the estimate is this Friday, it’s mostly done, but I’d like to let things percolate a bit and see if any more major bugs crop up. Been fixing a ton of smaller bugs today.