Getting used to crafting

So I’ve realized that one of the problems i have with Cata isn’t really related to accessibility per se. It’s more philosophical, I’m not used to games which offer this level of freedom.

A great example is slings and containers in general. For the longest time I spent hours searching for a backpack or some other pre-made container, when I could have crafted one pretty much from the start. I didn’t even think to look in the (admittedly intimidating) crafting menu. Now I know I can do it, but it’s still hard to think, "Hey, maybe I can make this."
I guess to an extent this is just a thing I’m going to have to get used to, but I wondered if anybody else has had similar troubles. Honestly, as a blind gamer my CRPG options are pretty limited, so something like Cata feels even more unique by comparison.

Yea, I have to some extent.

Makeshift items weren’t always a thing in Cataclysm, especially when it was just Cataclysm, and not Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead.

We have had makeshift items for a while, but we keep getting new ones as people keep thinking of them. For instance, I think the makeshift knife, and makeshift crowbar have been around since… (And I could be wrong on this), at least 0.A? Bindles have also been a thing for quite some time, but it wasn’t until recently that we could make a makeshift backpack out of pants and string, or a makeshift sling out of a sheet.

the various category searches help if you know what you are looking for, but I frequently as I level up my character suddenly find very useful items that got lost among the lists when I go to find something else.

Some good ways to try and keep up with what new things you can make:

When you level ANYTHING - do a [s:search skill(level)] this will give you a list of everything that you can now make thanks to that level.

If using skill rust keep track of what you can build to skill up, or just to see everything that will help level do [S:search skill(level)] The cap “S” makes it primary skill only

then there is also tool search (so you can find everything build-able with that tool)

and several other useful ways to find things