Gas mask is broken

An equipped and fully charged gas mask does not seem to work. I don’t get protection from gases and neither the charge decreases when i expose myself to hazardous elements.

UPD: I’m an idiot =(

Ok. I am stupid. I forgot to activate my gas mask.

BTW: It feels strange that i need to activate my gas mask. To what IRL action does this refers? Isn’t gas mask gets auto-activated when you replace the cartridge.

I assume the filters have a cap over them to protect them while not in use. Activation would be taking the caps off, and explains why it can’t be deactivated.

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But i can unload activated gas mask and then load it again and it will be deactivated.

Perhaps just an oversight?

I know, just kidding.

“But I can unload activated gas mask and then load it again and it will be deactivated”

I had to explain this to someone else who was confused by this on github

0be1iskm, this would make sense if i had no need to activate a loaded gas mask.

I think this happens because of how the tools in the game works. Game devs oftenly codes in conditions and methods set by the game engine. Probably there is no other way to implement this in current tools mechanics.