Fire goes out too quickly

Essentially, yes.
Unless the fuel is extremely flammable, fire should take minutes to grow to the size where it deals any noticeable damage at all, and dozens of minutes to grow to the size where it can deal 10+ damage per round.

I’m pretty sure that if I step on a rag that was set on fire several seconds ago, the rag will just get extinguished with nothing but minor damage to my shoes, if even that.

Not necessarily. Check for a pit. If there is no pit or equivalent, reduce the fire intensity in the tile of arrival, increase fire intensity in neighboring tiles. Seems pretty straightforward.

Not necessarily. Check for a pit. If there is no pit or equivalent, reduce the fire intensity in the tile of arrival, increase fire intensity in neighboring tiles. Seems pretty straightforward.

I got that part, I just meant that first of all, you need to have a chance for a piece of fuel (the object) to be kicked somewhere else, moving the item to another tile while keeping it alight. In addition, should it be so that the objects would just fly in random directions, or only in the direction that the creature was travelling (front-left, front, front-right)? And if zombies can kick sticks to another tile, what’s to say that can’t happen with any item? If that item is sharp (blade, shrapnel, etc.) should the zombie take damage? If the item is “flimsy”, should it take a small amount of damage when stepped on/kicked? For that matter, would the same apply to the player, animals, NPCs, etc? Presumably humans and animals would be smart enough to avoid the obstacle, but if we’re doing that, all creatures should still have at least a chance of kicking/stepping on an object, so you’d need to code that differently for each category of monster… See where this is going?

Kind of, but nothing says we need to go “all in”. Such “scatter” can be limited to just the fire itself — not fuel or other items.

True, I was exaggerating a bit for emphasis, but still- where do you draw the line? If you “scatter” only the fire, wouldn’t the fire instantly go out if it didn’t land on wood or something of the sort? I assume you’re talking about actually scattering the fire, not just kicking up sparks.

i mean… if you build a fire that isn’t in a pit, then it already has a chance of spreading to other tiles, especially if its a tier 2 or tier 3 fire, which can QUICKLY get out of hand and burn up entire forests, towns, or buildings… which is why you set up a pit beforehand if you’re attempting to use fire as a trap, not only does the pit contain the fire but it also slows down the zombie… but i get what you mean, that you want the fire started to be put out by something moving through it and scattering the materials, so the fuel would move as well, making multiple small fires while possibly putting out the original fire?

From my current understanding of the code, fire itself has intrinsic duration (this duration present the fuel that has already combusted, but hasn’t finished burning yet).
So I don’t see why scattering the fire directly will not work. If there is no extra fuel on the new tile, the fire will just persist on it’s remaining intrinsic duration.

Ah, okay. I didn’t realize that that’s the way fire is coded- I figured fire could only burn if there was fuel on the tile. So… something like what zantenzuken said where every time something moves through the fire, it has a chance to scatter and create new small fires while decreasing the duration of the original fire? Or would you just knock the intensity of the original fire down a tier instead?

Essentially, yes.
In practical terms, this also has the added benefit of making standing next to a raging non-contained fire as an enemy runs into it a really questionable idea.

You do, of course, also have to deal with the fact that a fire on a tile without any fuel is going to look pretty unrealistic, given that you’re suggesting scattering the fire without scattering the fuel.

That’s how flamethrowers work right now. They create fire with no fuel.

I wasn’t criticizing the idea, I just meant that comment from a purely realism standpoint, since you seem to be pretty big on it. Technically with a flamethrower it’s the fuel that’s burning, while with a fire you’d just have it burning without any fuel- makes me imagine a fire floating in midair.

Currently, “fire” represent both the fire itself and the fuel that has already combusted.
Whatever is left in a tile as actual items represents things that have not combusted yet.

But… you have “burnt” items when you leave stuff in a fire, suggesting that it’s currently on fire, so I feel like any items not listed have basically been reduced to ash.

“Burnt” items represent the part of an item that has not combusted (yet).
If you remove them from the fire, they will not burn any further.

Hmmm… didn’t think of it that way. The concept is pretty interesting, but I feel like we should probably move this to the Drawing Board if we do any more discussion on this, or you could make a topic on the changes you’d want.

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also on the topic of ‘fire without fuel’, if you hit a gasoline zombie with any sort of laser weapon, it will leave a gascloud behind that immediately catches fire… theres no physical fuel on the ground, but it IS still fire.

also yes i realize there is physical fuel on the ground to the left, but thats not whats burning, the gasoline zombies leave a trail behind em.