[Experimental build] Improper assignment of items letters

When you use the eat menue, the game changes the assigned letters of items and then tells you you don’t possess the item when you press the new assigned letter. Using the apply menue to eat functions properly

Well that’s unfortunate. Testing now.

I noticed that you need to open and close the inventory screen once after eating something from a stack of containers that can have multiple items in each container. If so that ones been around for a while, if not, then I’m not getting it.

Yeah, I’ve had hiccups like that from time to time on my 28Jun. Wasn’t sure what caused it.

No, the game was actually re-assigning the letters of food items. So, apple would be “a” I’d press the eat menue and I’d see “apple” be “j.” but “j” was my bow so the game would report “you can’t eat your bow (or if the letter was unused) you don’t have that!” Then, when I opened my inventory screen, both the apple and the bow would be assigned “j” and pressing j would drop both items. However, if you press the original key of the item (in my example, “a”) even when the game shows the wrong key, it works. Very odd. I’ll see If I can vid cap it.

I have seen two issues in the nightly builds recently: (Curses build 222 v0.7.1-701-g5af4140 being the most recently tested.)

1: Some items will be assigned duplicate letters. Such as a water bottle and a piece of clothing. Pressing the corresponding letter to drop them will highlight both, but i think it only drops one, i cannot confirm this for absolute certain. The problem does go away after a save/load.

2: Sometimes after eating one of an item the remaining charges in that item will be moved down to the bottom of the inventory under misc/books/whatever. Usually closing the inventory and re-opening it fixes the problem. Maybe its a case of opening the inventory too quickly after eating/drinking just as the new item has been created, but before its been given time to sort into the proper category. Its created and added to the bottom, but the display updates before its been moved to the right category? Not sure if its a UI bug, or an item creation bug, wasnt able to pinpoint the exact cause or easily duplicate either of these issues.

[quote=“Ratha, post:6, topic:2686”]I have seen two issues in the nightly builds recently: (Curses build 222 v0.7.1-701-g5af4140 being the most recently tested.)

1: Some items will be assigned duplicate letters. Such as a water bottle and a piece of clothing. Pressing the corresponding letter to drop them will highlight both, but i think it only drops one, i cannot confirm this for absolute certain. The problem does go away after a save/load.

2: Sometimes after eating one of an item the remaining charges in that item will be moved down to the bottom of the inventory under misc/books/whatever. Usually closing the inventory and re-opening it fixes the problem. Maybe its a case of opening the inventory too quickly after eating/drinking just as the new item has been created, but before its been given time to sort into the proper category. Its created and added to the bottom, but the display updates before its been moved to the right category? Not sure if its a UI bug, or an item creation bug, wasnt able to pinpoint the exact cause or easily duplicate either of these issues.[/quote]

I’ve had #2 in my 28Jun. Chiefly happens with liquids: drink the bottled water/mutagen, rendering the container no longer full, and it jumps to the bottom of the Containers list rather than the Comestibles list. Drink it from the Containers, it jumps back up (or at least it does when there’s one charge left).

I’ve had that happen since 0.5 buddy.