
If I understood it correctly there are currently two systems regarding tiredness. One is the sleep cycle that leads to a tired/dead tired/exhausted state when neclecting sleep and the second system is handing out increasing pain when moving around while overburdened. However there does not seem to be a mechanic that handles short term fatigue while for example fighting.

So one can hold a bottleneck like a window against hundreds of Zs without breaking a sweat while in reality sooner or later exhaustion would kick in and lead to a momentarily decrease of effectiveness. I don’t know if anything is planned for having a sprint option one day but for that a short term stamina system would be attractive too.

My suggestion is to have such a stamina system parallel to the sleep cycle. Exhausting actions like fighting(fighting skill based), hauling(str), butchering(survival) or chopping wood(fabrication?) would temporarily put one into (differently colored) tired, dead tired or exhausted status. Taking a break would get one back into normal with sitting down on chairs being more effective than just standing around. Over the course of a day it also impacts how often one puts himself into the tired state to determine overall sleep cycle tiredness. So chopping wood all day would lead to an earlier general tiredness and longer natural sleep than just reading books or watching water/coal cook.

Maybe having some kind of exhaustion thing like in “I’m Alive”?

Look for the gray bar up there. Try to see when he is climbing.

Or maybe, like in Rogue Survivor:

Check the green bar.

I’ve been planning on having a stamina system, and having drained stamina influence fatigue, but I hadn’t considered fatigue in turn influencing stamina. It definitely makes sense.
A simple take on it would be to have stamina recover logarithmically, and have fatigue lower the ceiling for stamina. So at the end of the day, you can still sprint, but you get winded faster and recover more slowly.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:3, topic:3178”]I’ve been planning on having a stamina system, and having drained stamina influence fatigue, but I hadn’t considered fatigue in turn influencing stamina. It definitely makes sense.
A simple take on it would be to have stamina recover logarithmically, and have fatigue lower the ceiling for stamina. So at the end of the day, you can still sprint, but you get winded faster and recover more slowly.[/quote]
If you make it, ill marry you.

i would like to see the stamina system tied to physical fitness. fitness can be increased and decreased by

  1. age
  2. traits
  3. what you eat(healthy vs. unhealthy eating)
  4. what actions you take. if you walk alot your stamina doing this that require you to move goes up, if you build heavy things your stamina for doing them goes up. Can have crossover with how you fight. stamina to pull a bow is different than stamina for melee and dodge. This stuff should have rust too so your never uber badass.
  5. can add mutations(or decrease) and bionics to strengthen, maybe power armor too.
  6. health at the start can vary. can take points to start healthier and with higher stamina or get back being a couch potato.
  7. weight. not sure how dynamic we want to get. you can be heavy with muscles and heavy with fat. probably just do a BMI related calculation at first. can start healthy weight, overweight, underweight (would lower str and dex). changes depending on what you do and what you eat.
  8. can also add in ‘sprint’ stamina so you may be fast for short periods, or more long distance moving. probably want to make this a bit mutually exclusive (long distance runners have different builds than sprinters )

Probably will require multiple releases to build stuff this complex to hash it out. these kinds of features added to our current location based encumbrance and damage will really add to the uniqueness of the game.