Errors in English strings

This thread is similar to the WTF Thread, but it is not quite the same.

In this thread I want to collect errornous or poor original (English) strings. In order to translate something, the translators have to assume that the original strings are correct. Therefore, the original strings must be error-free.

I have found three strings in 0.9 which seem to be wrong:

No. 11261:

The sunlight irritates you. Strength - 1; Dexterity - 1; Intelligence - 1; Dexterity - 1

No. 11262:

The sunlight irritates you badly. Strength - 2; Dexterity - 2; Intelligence - 2; Dexterity - 2

No. 11263:

The sunlight irritates you terribly. Strength - 4; Dexterity - 4; Intelligence - 4; Dexterity - 4

In these strings, “Dexterity” appears twice. This doesn’t seem correct to me.

There are errors everywhere. But finding them is hard :). should fix this one.

Thanks, here is another one:

8220.: “Fomer towns:”

The comment says:

City Name ~ proper name; usage=city
That doesn’t sound like a proper name to me. And not like a city name either.

Not sure what that’s doing there. I’ve removed it as part of

6421 (trunk): “One of the five Shaolin animal styles. The Snake focuses on sinuous movement and precision strikes. Your Perception iproves yur accuracy and your damage.”

4105 (trunk): “One of the Five Deadly Venoms, and likely to be refactored to a mutation at the next save-compatibility breaker. Lizard Style docuses on using walls to your advantage.”

Edit 2:
4107 (trunk): “One of the Five Deadly Venoms. Viper Style has a uniqe three-part combo, ehich is supposed to initiate on a critical strike, then chain into piercing damage and a two-handed Viper Strike.”

Edit 3:
The description of a rabbit: “A cute wiggling nose, cotton tail, made of delicious flesh.” (0.9; description is similar in trunk)
What is a “cotton tail”? A tail made out of … cotton? o_O

Edit 4:
6353 (0.9): “Incidence of post-mortem mutation seems to depend on several factors - leading candidates include type and amount of damaged sustained leading to expiration, embedded foreign bodies at time of revivification, proximity to other revived individuals, and the body mass of the subject.”
The “d” of “damaged must be removed.

Other strings are fixed before this PR.

The “cotton tail” just describes the look of the tail. It is a tail that looks like cotton.

Hope that helps.

@deadmerits: How did you know? :smiley:

Its a slang term for a rabbit tail, the little white puffs of fur they have. Or a playboy bunny tail if thats your thing

[spoiler]Descripiton of Toad Style: “One of the Five Deadly Venoms. Toad Style will be immensely powerful through its immunity to nearly any weapon, once we get the connection rebuilt. Until then, best not meditate by pausing, though it used to give you armor proportional to your Intelligence and Perception.”

I did not understand what was meant with the underlined part. Which connection? Who is “we”? I think the string needs to be rewritten.[/spoiler]

Edit: “power armor hauling frame”. I think the term “hauling frame” is a neologism but the description of the item does not explain it. I think the description has to be rewritten or you have to come up with a better term.

Edit 2:
0.9, Launchpad no. 6837: “It’s skin so tight the cracked bones are visible beneath it, covered in scar tissue and coils of scabbed black liquid and with eyes so deeply sunken into it’s skill they are barely visible, it’s a wonder this once-human creature can move at all.”
I think “skull” was meant here.

Edit 3:
0.9, Launchpad no. 6962: “A flexous monstrosity seeming as a giant crab covered in writhing antennae, clawform tentacles and star-shaped growths, with a head like the insides of a fish but for its dire utterance.”
I am not sure, but I guess “flexuous” was meant here.

Edit 4:
9994: “Rodger, if he’s a no-show then any other gunslinger will do… but I doubt he’ll quit before we even begin.”—It’s supposed to be “Roger”, I guess.

salmaic powder => salmiac powder

It doesn’t matter anymore, salmaic [salmiac] powder is going to be replaced with candy powder in experimental. There is a PR for it waiting on git right now.

Double post, it seems that at the end people will keep it, so… yeah… this is relevant :stuck_out_tongue: The PR is here.

Here’s a new bad string, please fix it:

“sleeveless_survivor trenchcoat”

I guess the underscore was made by accident.

[quote=“Wuzzy, post:14, topic:4155”]Here’s a new bad string, please fix it:

“sleeveless_survivor trenchcoat”

I guess the underscore was made by accident.[/quote]

Nailed it in the merge-in-progress.

Bad plurals:

[ul][]refillable lighter (lit)s
]RC car (on)s[/ul]

Yo, here’s another bad string:

“Your skill level won’t improve, but %s has more recipes for yo”

Yo! :wink:

Another simple typos:

[ul][] catches ans spins %s!
]A roll-your-own made from tobacco and rolling paper. Stimulates mental acuity and reduces appetite. Despite being hand crafted, it’s still highly addictive and hazardous to health.[/ul]

And now for a term I think it may be not exactly wrong but maybe it is a bit problematic.
It is “moonshine”. AFAIK this term refers to some kind of alcohol which has been illegally (!) produced. The emphasis is on the illegality here, the kind of alcohol itself does not matter. However, it seems to me that C:DDA uses this term just for a certain kind of alcohol. This can be even produced by the player. Illegallity does not matter much anymore in the C:DDA world, so I suggest to replace all occourances of “moonshine” with a better term. I think the new term should somehow describe the contents of the alcohol. Sorry, I can’t suggest you a better term now, since I am no expert here. So what do you think?

[quote=“Wuzzy, post:19, topic:4155”]Another simple typos:

[ul][] catches ans spins %s!
]A roll-your-own made from tobacco and rolling paper. Stimulates mental acuity and reduces appetite. Despite being hand crafted, it’s still highly addictive and hazardous to health.[/ul]

And now for a term I think it may be not exactly wrong but maybe it is a bit problematic.
It is “moonshine”. AFAIK this term refers to some kind of alcohol which has been illegally (!) produced. The emphasis is on the illegality here, the kind of alcohol itself does not matter. However, it seems to me that C:DDA uses this term just for a certain kind of alcohol. This can be even produced by the player. Illegallity does not matter much anymore in the C:DDA world, so I suggest to replace all occourances of “moonshine” with a better term. I think the new term should somehow describe the contents of the alcohol. Sorry, I can’t suggest you a better term now, since I am no expert here. So what do you think?[/quote]

“Hooch” and “homebrew” (yes, it doubles as a noun) may be suitable terms, though I don’t think “moonshine” should be considered a problem.

Feel free to file a PR fixing typos.