Enemy Action Cues

Yeah you shouldn t overdo things. But not beeing able to achieve perfect realism shouldn t stop you from trying to aproximate it in a reasonable frame.

On top of saying you would be fine with Spitters having an action cue, you also made a nonsensical suggestion that they explode in a shower of acid, so I opted to ignore the entire statement.

Spitters do not explode. You’re throwing in random suggestions that would make the entire idea of enemy action cues in regards to the Spitters more annoying to the player when the intent was the opposite.

Additionally, I fail to understand many of your statements, such as this one:

… which doesn’t really help. [size=6pt]What were you even trying to say there? Was it something to do with logical action when one sees a forest fire? Was it sarcastic? I still have no idea.[/size]

When you made this statement…

[quote=“Valpo, post:4, topic:8186”]They are not unfair !
Give the z sniper rifles and let them hide on rooftops from where they snipe you without you beeing able to ever reach/detect them. well thats unfair.

And concerning fair. If your vised by a deadly rare enemy like the tankbot and shot down thats bad luck…
If you find the same tankbot in the night by chance thats also bad luck (for it).

Life may not be fair but it generally is the same asshole to everyone.[/quote]
… I got the distinct impression that you DID NOT support the suggestion because you thought it made the game too easy.
With all that and more in consideration, here is my train of thought:

  • Valpo wants the game to be harder, not easier.
    – Valpo does not like this suggestion because it would make the game easier.
  • HOWEVER, Valpo prefers realism above all else.
    – This suggestion is realistic.
    —> Valpo is being hypocritical.

There. That is the full explanation for this misunderstanding.

I see.

I ll try to explain why i made these statements:

I wasn t trying to argue against the implementation of action cues for sake of realism.

I was arguing only that life isn t always fair. I was against you motivation /take something out that seems unfair(*edit: i should reword this not take out but rather change ). Perhaps i should have been more clear on the fact that i like the idea over all?

And the spitter leaking out tons of acid if you stab it is a reasonable thing in case of realism: If it can spit enough acid to shower multiple tiles then stabbing it / slitting it open may have the same effect as this very acid must be somewhere store within its body (is that wrong?) *maybe one should try blunt weapons because of that?
In addition however it goes them exploding doesn t take away from me supporting the abillity to see that they are about to spit.

The statement with the trees was me trying to find a nice allegory for:

Not trying to change something because many other things are equally bad (i ll try rewording that again if you want)

I so tried to get a laugh out of you people i am sry that it had detrimental effects instead :frowning:

Well, glad that’s cleared up.

As far as Spitters, I think they don’t explode because Bloaters and Boomers already fill the “exploding zombie” role and because the acid they spew isn’t that large in volume, but it spreads out over a wide area when it hits the ground, making it little more than just a thin covering. Thin covering or not, though, it’s still very potent acid. (Also, they’re annoying enough already without exploding.)

Exploding Spitters has little to do with the original suggestion, though, which is why I reacted negatively to your mention of it; it seemed to me like you were polluting the thread with a completely random idea.

Also, thanks for the explanation of the, er… tree analogy. I understand what you mean now. You’re saying “Just because a lot of things are unrealistic, doesn’t mean everything has to follow that trend.”

Still, it’s not fair to call unrealistic aspects of the game bad and equate them to a forest fire. Like Hardluck said, hard realism is not always the recipe for success. Unrealistic things are often loads of fun, even in survival games. Just look at Don’t Starve. It’s completely insane, realistic elements mixing with completely nonsensical aspects to make something that a lot of people enjoy.

Would it be realistic to make Cataclysm characters have to urinate a few times every day? Yes. Would it be fun? NO! It would be an annoyance, accomplishing nothing apart from forcing you to press a button a couple of times every in-game day.

Bottom Line:
Realism =/= Fun.

Sometimes it does. But not always.

Yes i do agree with you(mostly anyway ). A former human spitting acid isn t something one would considder realistic. However i want it to work in a sensical way hence “realistic”. It s a fantasy setting and i do not want to change that…

If the spitter acid is just a thin covering it should only harm the soles of your feet/shoes and not the trousers(we should either change it to work like this or we ll have to asume that they are rather deep puddles … not sure how the devs intended them to be)

Does the main cannon of the tank bot take time to target you? I imagine a 120mm main gun would take some time to put into firing position (which would be a very easy to spot action)

Right now, the monsters that have this rely on the disease (effect?) system to add a hidden targeted disease that has to be present before they will attack. First encounter will generate the disease and message. This system can probably adapted to many attacks without too much trouble, you’d just need a monster/attack specific message. One thing that might be worthwhile to add is a wait time, so that they have to have the targeted disease for several turns before doing the actual attack.

The pause and warning before firing is a reasonable mechanic to add, and would present the player with dillemas in combat, which is nice.
FYI though, the rest of the arguments for the feature are consistently scoring negative points with me, the realism and ‘game balance’ (make enemies unable to hit me with attacks please) arguments don’t hold up

It wouldn’t make enemies unable to hit with attacks, necessarily. Giving the player a 2-turn warning still wouldn’t do them any good if they didn’t have some kind of cover to duck behind or something. The enemy still aims accurately when they fire - it’s just that you’re informed as to WHEN they’re going to try and hit you.

More importantly, it telegraphs abilities that you may not be protected against, giving you an opportunity to burst down the enemy before they ruin your day.

I believe this would be a great addition.

Though I am not sure, if it would affect combat situations very much.

Still, even if it is “only” for flavour, I’d like to see this in.

Or run.

I am all for introducing cues. Many roguelikes have them in some form or another so that players can decide what to do before a monster whacks them for 75% their health and they can learn what a cue means, too.