Disinfectant + Zombie Bites

So Disinfectant. What is it currently?

From what I can tell it is just another type of healing product.

When I first started seeing it I was under the impression that this was meant to be a way to combat the ever-prevalent zombie bite infections which seem to be happening more and more frequently with each update. I’ve tried many times to combat an infected bite with disinfectant, to no avail. Perhaps there’s something I’m missing, but if not, I have a suggestion.

If you have received an infected bite wound, disinfectant applied during the very first stage of the infection should remove the infection. Disinfectant is easier to find than antibiotics but it could also be more limited; if used after the first stage of infection it no longer works, because the infection has already spread away from the wound. In this way people who carry the stuff around could use it to disinfect their bites, but the grace period would be short.

Increasingly I am finding that whether or not a character survives depends on whether or not there is a pharmacy accessible near the start of a game. I’m often infected within the first encounter with a zombie, unless I’ve made a combat-oriented character. And once you’re infected there’s really nothing you can do except try to get to a pharmacy without getting killed - usually a fool’s errand at the start of the game.

So. Disinfectant. A first stage defense against infected bites. Good idea?

Usually as soon as I get bitten I disinfect as quickly as possible, and it’s never been an issue. You can cauterize the wound too but it hurts like a bitch.

The disinfectant already does that. Are you sure you are selecting “Clean Wound” when you consume it? It should be similar to how you stop bleeding with bandages.

Tho - cauterizing works.

Huh. I’ve only ever gotten an option to apply it to a body part like bandages. I’ve used this thing dozens of times since 0.6 and I’ve clearly been doing it wrong. I’ll have to poke at it and see what I’ve been screwing up.

Anyway in that case ignore this thread. =P

early game before you get a good supply of first aid and bandages you pretty much have to cauterize.

[quote=“Hyena Grin, post:5, topic:2303”]Huh. I’ve only ever gotten an option to apply it to a body part like bandages. I’ve used this thing dozens of times since 0.6 and I’ve clearly been doing it wrong. I’ll have to poke at it and see what I’ve been screwing up.

Anyway in that case ignore this thread. =P[/quote]
It probably was because you have not been bit hard enough by a zombie to infect your blood. Just get bit then try it.

Dude, I’ve been getting infected the first day of most of my games since 0.6. Not getting infected is so not the problem. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As soon as I see that ‘the bite wound seems pretty deep’ message and the ‘bite wound’ modifier shows up in the character menu, I consume (E) the disinfectant and apply it to the area that was bit. Maybe you’re supposed to use (A) the disinfectant and it gives you more options than just applying it to an area. If that’s the case I’d suggest making both (E) and (A) give you the same options.

The correct option should be on the same list as when you consume it with “E”. When you see the list of body parts after consuming the disinfectant, don’t apply it to the bitten part of your body. Instead, scroll down the list until you see “Clean Wound”. It should be the 7th one. After that, your bite wound goes away. IIRC, you can do the same with first aid kits.