Default Character Gender

So we have default character names, which seems nice for those people who want to play by the same name for multiple runs. It would be nice if we could swap the default character gender as well.

However, I also throw out the idea that, instead of cluttering the options menu with these options, we simply press S to save these options in the New Character screen, similar to saving default mods.

I thought you could make a template for a character that included gender?

I do want default world name though.

[quote=“pisskop, post:2, topic:11718”]I thought you could make a template for a character that included gender?

I do want default world name though.[/quote]

You can make a template for character name too. What I’m referring to is the semi-new option in the options menu to set default character name. It isn’t as helpful if you want the default to be a female name because you still have to manually switch the gender every time you create a new character, which is fine. Some people even want to have a randomly generated name though, and I would think that almost every Survivor has a preference for gender, so this would almost definitely be as useful.

It’s only a tiny annoyance though since gender affects so little in Cataclysm, it just means the clothes you usually prefer for your character

Gender doesn’t affect anything in cataclysm. It’s just a rp feature.

Technically it should be sex, not gender though.

To be extra pedantic, it sets initial clothing loadout.

Name doesn’t either, but behold, a setting for name.