when you start from scratch and hit Play Now, if you get a female, it sometimes gives you a male name. come to think of it, i dont think ive ever seen the converse happen, but i will keep an eye out.
it also starts you with the male version of whatever profession rolls. just got a female bowhunter named rob keys, started with boxer shorts… i also spawned with a sports bra… though i recall another recent instance when i rolled a female with boxers and a sports bra. maybe i did get the female prof, idk. either way started with Hoarder and 12/11/8/7, i take it she decided, to hell with the world, she always hated being a girl, and changed her name and stabbed her eye out. who knows. we’ll see how it plays out.
All of 'em, last I checked. Not sure what’s up with the underwear but then I hadn’t noticed any difference.[/quote]
To my knowledge, boxers are generally worn by men, but I know a few women who wore boxers because they were “more comfortable” according to them. …So maybe not a bug?
yea i still havent spawned male with a female name but a few females with male names and a few females with female names… sometimes females spawn with panties or boxers but always with a sports bra. i dont think the profession is messed up; i think i was mistaken on that. i keep getting female profs with female spawns.