Debug Points Increase

How do I increase the debug points from 1k to say…4k or something like that? Every time I change it in folder options to 10k it just doesn’t apply.

You can’t set it higher than 1k I believe. 1k is the limit and all you would really need.

for what you need more than 1k of points? with even 20 points you can create realy powerfull character

Use debug menu character editor if you need crazy points for any reason.
Bind debug menu in the keybinding settings, open debug menu, press ‘d’, select your character and edit stats.

I wanna have fun and dying constantly isn’t my idea of fun, and dying happens when I don’t have a 1k point character, I’m bad at this game.

you should try wish menu from debug menu to aid your survivor during his adventures, and game is not that hard too, try some op builds with 20 points and you will quickly learn how to play

try some balance mods too like slow zombies or even mundane zombies
or decrease monster spawn too

Try playing with static spawn if you are trying to play with hordes on.

That nearly turned me off the game when I first started playing because my shelter in the middle of a forest would get swarmed within a day or two of starting.

Also try playing with these perks:

night vision
light step
pain resistant

Sneaking around at night is really good and makes you feel like a bad motherfucker. If you play characters that do that until it becomes boring you will have improved your skills at Cata.

Oh thanks! I will try that out, but how do I open debug menu?

You need to add a keybinding for it. Hit ‘?’ in game, then ‘1’ for keybindings. Scroll down to Debug Menu, hit ‘+’ and add the key you want to bind.

Thanks so much :smiley: (Has just given self every bionic and full heavy powerarmor) SO MUCH FUN STOMPING ON ANT NESTS XD

[quote=“dante1120, post:5, topic:11454”]I wanna have fun and dying constantly isn’t my idea of fun, and dying happens when I don’t have a 1k point character, I’m bad at this game.[/quote][quote=“dante1120, post:10, topic:11454”]Thanks so much :smiley: (Has just given self every bionic and full heavy powerarmor) SO MUCH FUN STOMPING ON ANT NESTS XD[/quote] Or, you know, instead of fucking around just learn how to play the game properly. Debugging overpowered items and builds in is short-term fun, but there’s no goal and no actual way to lose your shit so you’ll just get bored of it after a couple of days and miss the amazing experience the game can offer you. Learning to survive for a prolonged period of time and progressing gradually is long-term fun, the true type of fun for a game such as this one.

Read the wiki if you feel clueless on how to survive on your own. Seriously. Best I could do was one hour before I decided to research survival, my first attempt after that lasted me a week. There are so many guides and so many routes you could take, just choose one and go through with it. I’m deliberately not giving you any “newbie” tips like other people in this thread because this isn’t the Newbie Tips & Tricks thread (which you should use for any other questions you might have, by the way), just a random one going off-topic yet again.

[ul][]Here’s a direct link to the C:DDA wiki to get you started. I strongly suggest you look into the different categories in the middle-right section and read up on what interests you.
]Here’s a guide about creating a decent, first character setup.
[*]Here’s another guide about surviving your first day.[/ul]

Good luck.

P.S. Again, don’t do what you’re doing right now. Looking up/cheating OP items in spoils the !FUN! and leaves no surprises for you to discover in the endgame.

Lol i suck probably more than him, I still die on cheat runs .

^ same. Though I think I am at the point that playing with hordes on actually IMPROVES, how well I play… Or maybe just makes RNG love me more… not sure. Need more testing.

I survive mostly because I start with a stealthy combat ready character and just focus and getting supplies. I used to play with 50 debug point and 1000 trait limit back in the day.

Tried to make a more “me” character recently. I think it turned out being more firmly debugged than my earlier debug characters. Moved on to doing “random” characters recently. More fun, I don’t get the overwhelming urge to have those perks I NEEED to have, because how could I possibly play a character without THAT stat.

I did roleplay build a while back as well and it was fun. I am more focused on the meta now.

not sure how meta makes since in this context…

In the context that I abandon the roleplay character creation and just take traits that benefit my game-play strategy.

Ah. The character that knows its a character, and stat builds accordingly.

If your killing them, then you get more death drops from the zombies.