Deaf is stuck

I was messing around with some explosives that I had found in a crate and become deaf. That happened the day before. Its been a day in game and my character can’t hear anything. My gamer instincts say it’s a bug… Anyone else having this problem?

Stable version 0.C

I don’t know whether it’s a bug or not, but IRL hearing loss from this sort of thing is usually permanent to some degree. Certainly a realistic bug if that’s what it is.

Will go find something big to blow up and report back.

I was messing around with some explosives that I had found in a crate and become deaf. That happened the day before. Its been a day in game and my character can't hear anything. My gamer instincts say it's a bug... Anyone else having this problem?

Turn on “Debug messages” and check the duration of deaf-status.

Okay… I turned on Debug and got a duration of 14926, This is why you don’t stand next to dynamite and Mini-nukes with Lupine ears folks…
But thanks for clearing that up for me anyway :smiley:

That’s why I always carry ear plugs with me.

I think it’s OK as is.