Crafting materials counter

A counter for each material you have available to craft with in the crafting menu. So if I’m for example crafting clean water and have enough water to make three there would be a x3 next to the “water” material in the “clean water” recipe.

Oi, I don’t want water x 200000 next to mine.

I actually have a few tanks of water in my base, don’t ask. But I kinda like this.

[quote=“FunsizeNinja123, post:2, topic:6764”]Oi, I don’t want water x 200000 next to mine.

I actually have a few tanks of water in my base, don’t ask. But I kinda like this.[/quote]Maybe a lazy figure 8 if you have more than a certain number.

This would be really nice, it would be nice to know if I can make those 8x power amplifiers I need before I even start crafting, and it would stop people using up the last of their resources only to find they burned through all their scrap and didn’t even have enough to put the final item together :slight_smile:

Tanks? Which tanks?

You could have a settable limit to the counter, i.e. “do not show”, “show unlimited”, “show up to amount” and then either secondary option specifying amount manually, or set of options with arbitrarily-chosen numbers like 10, 100, 1000, etc.

Well… [“b”]atch crafting shows how many clean water you can make depending of your dirty water supply, up to 20x, that is.

Problem with this suggestion is that there is Nx left of required material to show how many material you need for this recipe, xN would be confusing.

Don’t have a problem with the idea in principle, but I think this would make us do a lot of extra work while drawing the crafting menu and a lot of items are nearby, which is already one of the laggiest parts of the game.