Show # of materials available on crafting screen or crafting selection menu

Would it be possible to show the number of ingredients we have a of a certain item when crafting and when the sub menu select prompt comes up. Maybe we could also type the number of times we would like to craft or just hit maximum here, too.

Pressing ‘-’ repeats last craft… Typing # of times to auto-craft would be to “unrealistic”. Read: too easy to grind. This is not what this game is about.

you can always rebind it to ‘space’ and heave a heavy object on it, bah…

[quote=“elauminx, post:2, topic:5623”]Pressing ‘-’ repeats last craft… Typing # of times to auto-craft would be to “unrealistic”. Read: too easy to grind. This is not what this game is about.

you can always rebind it to ‘space’ and heave a heavy object on it, bah…
Actually being able to specify a number of times to do a craft (i.e. craft 100x clean water) is something that’s on the dev list, it just hasn’t been implemented yet.

no but, what if I wanted to make some bandaids with some disinfectant, but i wanted to leave at least one in case, and i find my self on the crafting menu about to hit bandaids, and say ‘meh, i should have at least one more left once i make these bandaids’ and the BOOM! I didn’t have one more left, and i had to causterize myself later or whatever just because the crafting menu didn’t tell me that it was my last bit of disinfectant.

I think that’s what Kuliksco is stabbing at here

Yeah, got that situation too :slight_smile: