Could we have craftable gun conversion kits for the ones that exist?
You would need something a new barrel for the weapon, or in the case of making one larger, a way to re-bore it.
This could make a use for the coreless drill. (I’ve yet to see any use for this)
Add in a gunsmith kit, the ammo/shells of the needed type. Since it’s a kit, probably a soldering iron, screw driver, drill.
The hard part would be requirements.
Personally, I’d say you need a high skill in the gun type of ammo being used. Fabrication/Mechanics would make it
Or just pick one, and make it fairly high. I don’t see how this would be any more overpowered than people making serums, CBM’s.
It just allows people to use ammo they have if by making a kit to change their weapon. I’m out of 7.62, and don’t feel like reloading, but have 1500 5.56 NATO?