Craft for as long as possible, or forever

So, I drove my solar powered RV kitchen-equipped flatbed up next to a toilet, and hit “Craft for as long as possible” on “Clean water”. Big mistake…

It would be pretty nice if there was some way of aborting “Craft for as long as possible”. (Or if there is, make the command something more obvious, like hitting the same key again.)

I’ve never really used the “craft as long as possible” option, but have you tried pressing “5” on the numpad?
I recall that being how to stop continuous reading, maybe it’ll stop crafting?

Oh geeze is this still around? I made the mistake of getting into this same situation before, except I was parked right beside a huge puddle in the road.

I guess it’s waiting for you to run out of fire or water, but the RV unit and a water source make both of those impossible to run out of.

So yeah, I can verify this one and I agree that multicrafting needs an abort function.

Huh, I think the only thing we can do with this is if you’re using an infinite source of water it’d prompt you for how much to use…
I mean toilets will probably become un-infinite at some point, but that leaves rivers and pools, which are practically infinite.

P.S. RV units aren’t infinite, if they’re acting like they are that’s another bug.

I Didn’t think this deserved it’s own thread but using the latest nightly build I stumbled on a crafting bug.

Started with shower victim , 0 clothes - 0 volume.

When crafting an item it gives the typical “No room in inventory for X, so dropped at feet”, instead of doing that the game just deletes the item completely and is nowhere to be found.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:4, topic:2481”]Huh, I think the only thing we can do with this is if you’re using an infinite source of water it’d prompt you for how much to use…
I mean toilets will probably become un-infinite at some point, but that leaves rivers and pools, which are practically infinite.

P.S. RV units aren’t infinite, if they’re acting like they are that’s another bug.[/quote]
I imagine at some point I would have dropped from exhaustion or been bitten by an animal, which should hopefully have stopped it, but I never got that far. (I will make another thread about that, because that was a truly nasty bug, and this is actually a suggestion and I’m a noob not noticing there is a suggestion forum as well.)

And, I doubt you’ll be able to drain the power of a solar powered storage battery by boiling water. =) Even without any solar panels, from full I imagine it would be quite painful to empty it.

[quote=“Sirquote, post:5, topic:2481”]I Didn’t think this deserved it’s own thread but using the latest nightly build I stumbled on a crafting bug.

Started with shower victim , 0 clothes - 0 volume.

When crafting an item it gives the typical “No room in inventory for X, so dropped at feet”, instead of doing that the game just deletes the item completely and is nowhere to be found.[/quote]

  1. This should be fixed now :slight_smile:
  2. All bugs are special and deserve their own threads.
  3. Please give the version number displayed on the main menu, “latest nightly” is better than giving no version, but the specific version would be AWESOME.

Will do, thanks :smiley: